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  • God that episode was amazing. Especially when Sadie smacked Jimmy over the head with the brick. It makes me sad it's not that good anymore. I agree about the Robert Sugden in a towel business, they could at least do the decent thing and have Nikhil undressed all the time. Did I ever tell you a saw Nikhil in a cafe a few months back? I'm lucky I wasn't arrested.

    I'm all good thanks, how are you? Sorry I took so long to reply, my laptop died so I haven't been on in ages. Hopefully I'm back for good now.
    Hello hello hello! Same to you, hope the festive season was fabulous! Literally gasping to catch up, it shall happen soon. I'm off abroad for 2 weeks but when I get back I will make it my mission! Like Katy Perry to a Billboard #1, 'n all that. xxxxxxx
    Merry Christmas from where I am! xxx
    We need to catch up, mon cher!
    Argh, you'll have to tell me all about it! OK, what's the best for you then? I'll do whatever
    Were you at Leeds? Very jealous if so! Well whatever's easiest for you - I can do MSN if that's easier! :)
    You know me too well! That's good, yeah I've been rather good, back to has been too long, yes! Oh god it's not your fault at all! Is Skype still convenient for you?
    Yes, OMG! He looks like he loves it. How are you? x
    Aww thanks Blob! You might have to show me the ropes haha. Didn't go exactly to plan (i.e. Liam wasn't waiting in bed) but OH WELL. xxxxxxxxxxx
    I've watched the video on loop since your last message. It's sent me somewhat mental, but I think I may have mastered it! x
    Oh wow. I'm genuinely proud, I honestly thought it was impossible and all a camera trick. Any tips?!
    *doesn\'t understand* :P
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