jordxn Jul 10, 2012 I always copy & paste my PMs before I send them because I have been burnt too many times now by this forums shitty server! I end up writing a reply and then the server is done and I rage! Also, check your sent items box, it might be there!
I always copy & paste my PMs before I send them because I have been burnt too many times now by this forums shitty server! I end up writing a reply and then the server is done and I rage! Also, check your sent items box, it might be there!
J JadeFan May 9, 2012 Hey hey hey It's your birthday We're gonna have some cake And have sex which will be fake Hey hey hey Happy Birthday!
Hey hey hey It's your birthday We're gonna have some cake And have sex which will be fake Hey hey hey Happy Birthday!
jordxn May 1, 2012 Incorrect, there can never be too much One Direction! Though that gif is undeniably flawless. Here is something equally flawless...
Incorrect, there can never be too much One Direction! Though that gif is undeniably flawless. Here is something equally flawless...
G graffiti my soul May 1, 2012 I KNOW! Crept up so fast, I swear it's not in 8 days :O Check your inbox! xx
jordxn Apr 15, 2012 HELLO. I don't even get emails or anything to tell me these things come, so how the hell am I supposed to know if I got a message? Ridiculous. How was your weekend?!
HELLO. I don't even get emails or anything to tell me these things come, so how the hell am I supposed to know if I got a message? Ridiculous. How was your weekend?!
G graffiti my soul Apr 11, 2012 Hiya! Christ this new layout is confusing. Literally cannot believe we\'ll get an iam album in 2 months! ASASAJSJKQWJ
Hiya! Christ this new layout is confusing. Literally cannot believe we\'ll get an iam album in 2 months! ASASAJSJKQWJ