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  • Miss you too doll. Serving face, hopes and dreams in that profile pic too, slé mama.
    Just remembered your genius old joke about ATM Jam being about "what happens when she tries to get money out" and I was a hollerin'

    (why can't I find it now!?!?!?)
    Happy Chrihstmas hoe! xo

    Off-Topic was the place where everyone could be friends and just chill out.

    It was nice going into Random Thoughts and just speaking with people about nothing.

    Jesus the mods are like dictators.
    I like you.

    I'm decent, just moved into a new apartment and loving it. How about you? I'm saddened about your Sexy! Flop, Flop, Flop opinion.
    I'm not sure whether I've said this or not, but the PMs you sent me a couple of weeks ago were very much appreciated!

    Yer a gem!

    Oh good lord it was rough. I had a lot of fun, but yesterday was the worst hangover I have had in years. Working at 8:30 was just terrible.
    I'm fucking dead. I went to Chicago Pride yesterday and I wanna die today. I want to die.
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