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  • I'm so on it... Give me a couple months then we go do out thang.
    Seriously though, hope you're ok PM me whenever
    Don't worry about my D intake I'm not the model of the week on hoesunlimited.com like you, RobR, and Stankful...
    The struggle on here is constant and embarrassing, praise the LAWD for us.

    Don't worry Rmx, I have arrived to take the pressure off of you. Team Class gots to stick together, it's a jungle out there...
    I'm doing gewwwwd. Ya know, just living that classy, fabulous life of MOI. Youuuu?

    Naomi FTW once again >>

    I don't really have a type, as long as the seem to have functioning braincells and are cute then my doors always open.
    Btw, did you know what DSL was haha?
    Haha it makes me laugh that you are so comfortable to reveal that about yourself!
    I feel we need to make a statement or a powerful speech.
    YASS come to London, then we will be living.net/SEXGODS
    Haha my bad! Boo, my lip are being slandered over there... I can't bring myself to go back there, you can have your crown!
    We will just have to think of more creative ways to **** the game in 2013!
    *charges video camera*
    Get into the shade that you threw my way in 'What Do You Look Like?'.
    Stay cute big(old) bro.
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