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  • Me being sent by Rashida to dismiss yew from the clḯqúË as my final act as a clïkué member:

    Us left stranded outside the clíóchúé together scheming our révenge:

    Lawrence VonBreast his wowll functioning as ower neaux man's land, ower neutral territorie, ower fawklandz, ower other war terminology meaning the same thingue? Kewd iT be, Sindy? The Axis vs the other one, here in World War PJ? Ower double D-day looms, precious??

    A post on MY wall from the legendary Sinecdoche, New York a 2008 American postmodern drama film written and directed by Charlie Kaufman, and starring Philip Seymour Hoffman? 'tis truly a blesseD day! i must celebreight, yes, i must!

    Go to Sniful ha Nepkoons Suite? Now that's how it worqs, prézeus, that's how vous gate the clappue.

    In sooth[SUP]1[/SUP] I actually was on my wé but was happenstance distracted by Air Marshal John demonstrating secretion tricksies with ha MePhone Sechs PluS.


    A yew café au lait if ever I sipped one.


    ... but judging by this revelateauxry Rommers convo, it's just as well I didn't unite mit dich, what's a Joffrey Dharma Initiative, my prairie-house? I thankfully deauxn't nó ha.


    Get yores I guess'T

    [SUP]1. The Merchant Of Venice, Act I, Scene I[/SUP]
    Boil you, mash you, stick you in a stew.

    Know that you must past this test,
    So just pulled the trigger [SUP]trigger[/SUP] [SUP][SUP]trigger[/SUP][/SUP]

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