Don’t want to be pessimistic, but I really think we’ll get one or two single max this year. I don’t see her releasing an album or even a full EP soon (like, this year) to be honest. But I hope she will surprise drop an album in April of course!
Tbh I honestly really think that this will happen and maybe at most, with the tour she’ll have 1 new song to perform so… Let’s not get our hopes up too much.
Okay y’all funny, but I do think it’s sad that she hasn’t released any material after Tattoo that is as good as her pre-Tattoo material and even recently leaked demo’s .
Gravity is… not good.
SO underwhelming. I don’t understand what happened?
Can she stop releasing 2012 EDM styled ‘demo’s’ with only 40% of it having her vocals in it AND half of that being the same words repeated?
Honestly I’ve given up making sense of it. I’ll just see what she’ll release next and probably be disappointed by it compared to her potential/previously released material.