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  1. itsthemanbearpig


    The lead up to the wind temple in Tears is incredible. Climbing higher and higher until you get there, the atmosphere, the platforming. It all just worked for me.
  2. itsthemanbearpig

    Grey's Anatomy Universe

    Do we think more people will leave because of the budget cuts or is it really just going to be Levi and (my current favourite character) Yasuda?
  3. itsthemanbearpig

    The Good Wife / The Good Fight / Elsbeth

    Elsbeth is going to be on Sky Witness this month. Have seen ads while watching tv.
  4. itsthemanbearpig


    I think this is the problem. They're all perfectly playable, but they're in the shadow of some of the most influential games of all time. Wonder at least seems like a fresher take on the series.
  5. itsthemanbearpig

    Sex and the City

    Seema popping in for one scene looking like Emma Frost was the highlight for me. She's been a great addition.
  6. itsthemanbearpig

    Horror films

    What even happens in I Still Know that would need to be ignored?
  7. itsthemanbearpig


    Not to be in here asking for another Nintendo sequel, but I'm kinda surprised we haven't seen a follow up to Captain Toad. The character is a delight and the game was really good but there's definitely potential to go bigger and add some new challenges. It would presumably only need a modest...
  8. itsthemanbearpig

    Grey's Anatomy Universe

    Agreeing with those up-thread who mentioned the Levi/Helm scenes in the latest episode. The silence after the podcast was shut off, the blood all over the floor and the Christmas song all added up to a very unsettling stretch of scenes. I doubt the aftermath will be as absorbing, but I'm still...
  9. itsthemanbearpig

    Grey's Anatomy Universe

    I'm not sure why but Jo just doesn't feel like a character that has been around for seven or eight seasons to me.
  10. itsthemanbearpig

    Avril Lavigne - Love Sux

    I don't think I'll be listening to the acoustic version too much. Lavigne sounds great on it, but the original is so high energy that this just feels a little lacking to me. The necklace reveal in the video was pretty funny, though. Really looking forward to the album.
  11. itsthemanbearpig

    Sex and the City

    The Chucky scene will not leave my head. It keeps getting funnier to me. Like...why? What was going through Cynthia Nixon's mind that day?
  12. itsthemanbearpig

    The Scream Franchise

    Well, here's hoping I get to see Scream 6 at the cinema in a couple years!
  13. itsthemanbearpig

    The Scream Franchise

    How long do we think it will be before the new film is available on demand or DVD or whatever? Obviously I need it to do well and result in more movies, but I don't think I can bring myself to go into a cinema at the moment.
  14. itsthemanbearpig

    Video Games

    The ambition of an open world Sonic game, like...I don't know whether to be scared or excited. Both perhaps? I will be buying it.
  15. itsthemanbearpig

    Avril Lavigne - Love Sux

    I like Bite Me. Think it will be a bit of a grower, but for now it's making me want to listen to blink-182's Nine album.
  16. itsthemanbearpig

    Impeachment: American Crime Story

    I'm watching at UK pace and have only seen the first two episodes, but so far my favourite thing about the entire show is the little bit of tension between Linda and the woman she sits beside at her new job. I would genuinely watch a low-stakes season of Feud built around their sniping.
  17. itsthemanbearpig


    That part in a Metroid game when you've got most of the upgrades and can just zip through the map super quickly while destroying everything in sight is so fun. The whole game is so addicting. I'm not someone who can just play a game all day anymore, but I definitely put about seven hours into...
  18. itsthemanbearpig

    Oscar Bait 2021 - 22

    Anyone else think Stewart sounded a bit like Keira Knightley at the end of the Spencer trailer?
  19. itsthemanbearpig

    The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

    I'm glad Black Widow is finally coming out, but I hate that I'm much too nervous to go see it. The idea of being in a cinema watching a Marvel movie and eating some nachos is so appealing, but I don't think I'm there yet. Hopefully I'll be good to go for Scream 5 in 2022!
  20. itsthemanbearpig


    Ready for Metroid Dread! The robot stalking you through the game is reminding me of the SA-X in Fusion. Seems like they could be going for a bit of a horror vibe. I'm into it. Feel like that 2D Donkey Kong rumour was everywhere, so I'm surprised nothing happened with that.
