I don't think there was a lag,
I unfollowed the VP account and then checked later and it showed me as still following.
Then I unfollowed again, and checked 2 hours later and I was following it again.
I then blocked the account.
Off topic but I have 3 balcony tickets for Luann's cabaret in Dublin Thurs Feb 20th for sale at face value if anyone knows anyone who may be interested.
Bought direct from venue so can't place for resale via official channels.
Trump is held to a different standard by his cult members supporters. He can pivot from any promise, policy or statement made and there will be a Joe Rogan to provide them with a macro to use as rationale for why Trump is correct.
I haven't seen The Last Showgirl but my heart kind of sings for Pamela Anderson.
She seems like a great person who's been fucked over a lot and what a triumph to be getting a SAG nomination.