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  1. S

    Pop Justice - like the new Smash Hits/Big/TOTP's

    I think that while Tommy and my opinions differ on Popjustice, we both agree that it''s a fantastic source of information, live, up-to-date, well-written, perfectly irreverent and beautifully interactive. He thinks it''s a bit too campy-queeny-bitchy and I think it''s hilariously funny, but as...
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    Shayne Ward - Breathless

    The song''s all right, isn''t it. I''m appreciating him more this time around, particularly with his top off.
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    Any web designers on here?

    Our webhost is rather top-notch, though the databases can be a little slow. Support''s fantastic as well, though and the whole thing is rather beautifully versatile. Marvellous.
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    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: General Spice Girls Discussion Perhaps they should rename it as "Stop to somewhere a bit further up from the bottom". But still... to see it in the top 3 on some download site charts is quite nice.
  5. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: General Spice Girls Discussion Oh I didn''t want a prediction of where it would be, just where it might be now based on figures; of course estimating the final chart place on a Wednesday is plain silly... Still, waste of money or not, it''s a bit of a larf, isn''t it.
  6. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: General Spice Girls Discussion What''s the position in iTunes; I think due to its popularity, it''s going to be a better judge of its actual position... Unless of course, someone can go and find out its position on all download sites and figure out where it might actually be. But, no...
  7. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: General Spice Girls Discussion There''s the rest of the week to go yet, but let''s not forget about Crazy which topped the charts on downloads alone with 31,000 downloads in a week. Let''s say that those 7000 Facebook or MySpace friends download it from iTunes, Tesco, Virgin, HMV and...
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    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: General Spice Girls Discussion I''m quite surprised by the position at HMV... I know that this is manipulating the chart so as to render it pretty useless, but surely, if people are buying the music and the chart reflects what''s being bought then it''s not really making it meaningless...
  9. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: Spice Girls appear on release date charts... A live set in our flat would be lovely. No, it''''s unfortunate that there''''s no real way of protecting fans from touts other than asking for passport photos to be on printed on them. (The tickets, that is, not the fans... or the touts.) If...
  10. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: Spice Girls appear on release date charts... Apparently it''s playing now, from the photoshoot onwards on the interactive bit on BBC - I don''t know where, though. Tommy''s going to be sticking it on DVD and I''ll probably YouTube it later if nobody else has by that point. I agree about...
  11. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: Spice Girls appear on release date charts... "How can it be more interesting watching a fucking black door opening and closing than watching the Spice Girls getting back together?! That fucking door opens and closes every fucking day, Spice Girls don"t get back together every day do they?"...
  12. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: Spice Girls appear on release date charts... Catch up! Sky News can''t make up its mind whether the girls have six kids between them and are doing a twenty-five-date tour or twenty-five kids between them and a six-date tour. Five kids each? Would they be up to a round-the-world...
  13. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: Spice Girls appear on release date charts... I was watching ITN then and they lost the feed and went on to talk about... you guessed it, Paris fucking Hilton. And now they''re on about bombs in Basra. Why is it so difficult to hear about one of the most important reunions since salt split...
  14. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: Spice Girls appear on release date charts... New material: "It''s something we''re talking about" - Mel C "You''ll have to wait and see" - Emma Isn''t it all about the money?: "I think for us, it''s about celebrating our history..." - Geri "We really wanted to say a proper goodbye and...
  15. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: Spice Girls appear on release date charts... "I don''t like that ...I might not get to see them!" He may have been crying, but you can, as we will, get as many people as you can to apply for the tickets. Six is all right, isn''t it? BBC: "Scary, Posh, Ginger, Baby and Sporty are back...
  16. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: Spice Girls appear on release date charts... Thank fuck for that; mobile number''s safe... I''m watching BBC News 24 on my phone (ooh, get me) and there''s just stuff about flooding. Priorities, people, come on.
  17. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: Spice Girls appear on release date charts... Hmm... And Go Daddy are a bulk domain reselling company, so the whois thing doesn''t actually give any clue. The other things are PDFs and could easily have been cobbled together... Oh well, time for Tommy to change his mobile number, eh!
  18. S

    General Spice Girls Discussion *On Tour*

    Re: Spice Girls appear on release date charts... Both the domains that 19 Management were supposed to have registered ( and are registered to Go Daddy Software Inc, as is, so I''m guessing that the site is, indeed genuine. I hope so anyway...
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    Entire Pet Shop Boys movie on Google Video

    "Token Bingo, play it now!" Genius. Gareth 'Only a laugh, no 'arm done!' Hunt is dead! I can't believe it. God, that was him, wasn't it?! "Bloody politicians!" And Barbara Windsor having the full English thrown over her. What many people wouldn't pay to do that now... I think the film is a...
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    Robbie Williams - Rudebox

    The Johan Renck video for Robbie is so, so reminiscent of his work on Pass this on, which is also a great song. I really like She's Madonna as a bit of fun; it's got a great melody and I think Neil and Chris were trying quite hard to sound like Pet Shop Boys again with that big pad and stuff...
