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  1. Skyline

    Doctor Who

    I only started getting into the Big Finish audios last year, and they have a MASSIVE library, so there's still a lot for me to go through. I'm currently going through the Monthly Range (which is still 275 releases!) and have listened to about 60 of them. My favourites so far are: * The...
  2. Skyline

    Tori Amos

    I think the "Bachelorette" b-side on Spark was rumoured to be a Bjork cover before the single got released. Never knew that 'Like a Virgin' and 'Love is a Battlefield' ever existed! Such a shame that the remixes took over on Tori's singles by the end of the 90s, and the Venus singles only got...
  3. Skyline

    Tori Amos

    I read somewhere that the U.K. Jackie's Strength single was originally going to have "Merman" as one of the b-sides before it cancelled. Do you know how many other b-sides were supposed to be on the single? The U.S. CD ended up with "Never Seen Blue" and "Beulah Land" but I don't know if they...
  4. Skyline

    Lady Gaga - "Abracadabra" + Mayhem (Mar 7)

    If it's the same as the Target CD edition (and I think it is, because the Target and HMV vinyl exclusives are the same), then the "bonus poster" in the title might be a mistake. The Target exclusive CD has a bonus track and alternate cover, but the poster seems to be only with the vinyl. Both...
  5. Skyline


    I used to have a copy of "Again" I bought used from a charity shop and it never looked like this. I would guess this is down to the way they were stored by the previous owner. Considering these are three different singles, I doubt all three would have bad batches and a copy from each bad batch...
  6. Skyline

    The Sims

    I love Sims 3, but I admit I only play it after adding mods to make it more playable. I use these mods: Nraas Overwatch - this mod will "clean up" the neighbourhood at 3am in-game time every day, and helps to remove accumulated junk around the world to help the game run smoother for longer...
  7. Skyline

    Worst album covers

    Jennifer Rush - Stronghold: The Collector's Hit Box (2007)
  8. Skyline

    Jennifer Rush

    Never knew there was a video for "Madonna's Eyes". I only came across this recently. It's not on her official YouTube channel.
  9. Skyline

    Jennifer Rush

    @Eric Generic Following on my previous post, I think I've streamlined my list of official versions of The Power of Love to this: 1984-1986 mixes 1. Original album version (6:00) 2. Radio edit version of above (4:53) 3. International album version (5:46) - remixed by Walter Samuel, sometimes...
  10. Skyline

    Jennifer Rush

    I can't be certain since I don't own this, but I would guess it's the Walter Samuel Single Mix. The listed length is 4.20 on a lot of releases, but I think it's actually longer. The Power of Love: The Best of Jennifer Rush compilation includes this version and states the length as 4.30 in the...
  11. Skyline

    Jennifer Rush

    The Power of Love seems to have many different mixes available. I think there's at least 8 or 9 versions but I may not have the full list: 1. Original Album version (6:00) - On the original German version of Jennifer's debut album. 2. International Album version (5:46) - On the so-called...
  12. Skyline

    Kylie Minogue - Tension

    M People re-released Bizarre Fruit as Bizarre Fruit II back in 1995 and the re-issue counted towards the original album.
  13. Skyline

    Doctor Who

    Pre-ordered this as soon as I saw this post. My collection is coming along together nicely (apologies for poor camera quality). I look forward to the full 26-season (plus a likely 'wilderness years' set) when it's all done.
  14. Skyline

    Cancelled Singles of the 90s & 00s

    Was the limit on the number of tracks increased at any point after 2000? CD2 of Janet Jackson's All Nite (Don't Stop)/I Want You double A-side single had 5 tracks (the 2 A-side singles, a remix of each and 1 b-side) with 2 enhanced videos for each A-side...
  15. Skyline

    Cancelled Singles of the 90s & 00s

    Was this rule also in place before 1998? My understanding is that before '98 singles were allowed to have up to 4 songs and the only exception to this was if the single had remixes, and all of the remixes had to be mixes of the same song, with up to 40 minutes allowed in total. Unless I'm...
  16. Skyline

    Cancelled Singles of the 90s & 00s

    Raspberry Swirl was released briefly in stores but was recalled very quickly afterwards, so it is likely did sell some copies during that very short window of time.
  17. Skyline

    Doctor Who

    I'd recommend watching "Pyramids of Mars" on BBC iPlayer (Season 13) when you get a chance. It's 4 episodes, but each one is 25 minutes so it's similar in length to a 2-part story in the revived series. Sarah Jane Smith is also in the story, so you'll be familiar with at least one character in...
  18. Skyline

    World Politics

    The idea that Zionism = Judaism doesn't hold much water when you consider that Jews have also been victims of Zionism, albeit in different ways from those of Palestinians. Arab Jews who arrived in the new state of Israel in the late 1940s and 1950s often faced descrimination and racism from...
  19. Skyline

    World Politics

    I apologise if my sentence came across the wrong way. I don't see how I said that killing civilians is justified? I was trying to say that a lot of Israelis support the government's policies, but that doesn't mean they should be killed, tortured or kidnapped for that support. Two wrongs don't...
  20. Skyline

    World Politics

    I can't imagine the sheer terror Palestinians in Gaza must be feeling at this very moment. After having been victims of ethnic cleansing, IDF brutality and previous bombings, they are now going through hell again while governments around the world either stay silent or actively support this...
