✦ 00s Indie Pop ✦ & ✖ 00s Indie Rock ✖ Rates | ✖ Indie Rock Rate Finale! ✖




11 (2) @DJHazey @berserkboi | 10 (2) @Trouble in Paradise @Remorque | 8.5 (3) @2014 @Aester @elektroxx
4 @daninternational | 5 @klow
Host's score: 7

Another song that was just .25 points ahead of the previous elimination. Evil is the second song eliminated so far to have received multiple 11s, and this elimination means poor @berserkboi is the first person to lose both their 11s.

Interpol are a band from New York who have released seven albums between 2002 and 2018, and Evil, their biggest song, is taken from their sophomore album Antics, from 2004. This is actually my lowest score so far, so I can't say it's one of my favourites (and that music video certainly doesn't help), but I didn't expect it to do so badly, I while they're not a band I ever really followed, I definitely thought Interpol were more popular. But I guess aside from a handful of big fans, no-one was super here for it, given it didn't receive a single score in the 9 range. Instead of picking which songs to embed in the elimination post myself, since a couple of their singles got mentioned in the commentary, I figured I might as well go with those - Slow Hands, also taken from Antics, and The Heinrich Maneuver, from their third album Our Love To Admire (2007).

@daninternational (4) “Some male vocalists just rub me the wrong way, and this is one of them. The song isn't strong enough to overcome it either”

@Sprockrooster (6) “I know it is hardly the same as Rolling Stones versus Beatles, but the versus camps for Interpol and Editors (because of similar vocal style from the singers) were easily won by Editors for me. That is not because I wanted to pick a team, but simply because aside from The Heinrich Maneuver they rarely snatched my attention.”

@DominoDancing (7.5) “Slightly surprised that _this_ is the Interpol song we're rating, but checking Wikipedia it _was_ their highest charting single after all. It's good, but even sticking to the same album, Slow Hands is a much, much better song imo.”

@KingBruno (8) “I liked this band more when they called themselves Joy Division.”

@DJHazey (11) “I can’t really explain it and please don’t ask me to try to explain the creepy doll video. Let’s try to forget about that. The metronome beat throughout the chorus and its melody and the interesting words I got wrapped up in it all. There isn’t another song I find myself singing in my head nearly as much as this one. I kind of want to explore this band and find out what other goodies they have to offer. His voice is unlike anything else I listen to, so giving my 11 to the song really is a statement as another chapter of me branching out musically. I really am open to anything.”

@berserkboi (11) “My PJ00s VETO from the songlist! They were the moment! Everything about this track is inspired! Thank you @soratami for giving me a chance to 11 Evil!”

Commentary Guessing Game

26. “I liked this band more when they called themselves Joy Division.”

@Untouchable Ace:
33. “Effective, but [REDACTED]'s forced "heaviness" and "darkness" always struck me as a bit silly.”

So this was a bit of a trick question, because the obvious connection to make with this commentary was New Order, who are literally formed by ex-Joy Division members. But still, @klow got it, and becomes the first person to get three guesses right!

@klow 3
@Phonetics Girl 2
@slaybellz 2
@Maki 1 (+1)
@Untouchable Ace 1
@MilesAngel 1
@daninternational 1
@Attis 0 (+1)
@DJHazey was gonna give me a 12 on PJ00s for Male Vocals?? The power of Interpol!!!

I don’t know if many of you know of a Music Channel called Channel [V] but they had the gaul to rate this dead last in the countdown of 208 songs released that year or something! @CorgiCorgiCorgi and I are still working on our strongly worded complaint letter!

(Also - the creepy doll video is iconic and considering who the song is about - kinda appropriate)
So this was a bit of a trick question, because the obvious connection to make with this commentary was New Order, who are literally formed by ex-Joy Division members.

Well, you tricked me! I definitely thought that commentary was about New Order, completely forgetting how often Paul Banks was compared to Ian Curtis back in the day.

I really, really loved Interpol in the '00s. I saw them five times between 2003 and 2007. They were (and probably still are) truly excellent live. But I hated their fourth album and that was kind of that for me. "Evil" is not a particular favorite of mine (though still an 8.5). I bet "Obstacle 1" or "Slow Hands" would have done better. Then again, just about everything I love is getting rapidly booted from this rate, so maybe not!
So this was a bit of a trick question, because the obvious connection to make with this commentary was New Order, who are literally formed by ex-Joy Division members.
Dd I hate this...

So what's the connection Interpol has with Joy Division then @KingBruno? Are you saying they sound similar?

The Heinrich Maneuver is also the one song by them I know and enjoy. Would have gotten a much higher score than I gave this one.
he / him
I was just thinking the same thing! Given that we had the same 11 in the Indie Pop section, maybe we'll have the same eliminated Indie Rock 11.

I actually didn't know "Big Jet Plane" until it was included in the 2010s Ultimate Song Justice contest last year (I'm pretty sure it was @berserkboi and @soratami who voted for it, so thank you for introducing it to me). I am immunosuppressed through medicine I take to treat an autoimmune disease, which means from March 2020 until I was fully vaccinated in May 2021, I truly did not go anywhere or see anyone in person except for my partner, who lives with me. And he didn't really see anyone either, except a few times outside, far away, because we were so worried about what would happen if I caught COVID. Beyond that, we live in Minneapolis, my brother lives in Washington DC, and my parents live in Kenosha, Wisconsin, three cities that had serious civil unrest last year. I couldn't see my family and they couldn't see me, but we could turn on the television and watch each other's cities descend into fire and violence.

So seeing the video for "Big Jet Plane," in which a woman stuck in a depressing space imagines herself escaping into some sunny, tropical-looking location with the wind flowing through her hair really affected me. And even now, when things are much better but still not great, I feel a real wistfulness when I listen to the song and imagine the kind of romantic escape it evokes. Maybe it sounds crazy to put so much on a song with such simple lyrics, but it really gives me all that.
I think that it's really beautiful that music can do that for us, tbh. Sometimes songs just connect with you. Thank you for sharing your story.
So what's the connection Interpol has with Joy Division then @KingBruno? Are you saying they sound similar?

Yeah, it was just a silly remark that Interpol sounds a lot like Joy Division at times, lol.

Not that that’s a bad thing, per se. They are certainly not the only indie rock band from the ‘00s that sound like them. And most of those do not have an album as good as Turn On The Bright Lights to their name.
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Rilo Kiley or Neko Case could be leaving soon. They're not really big names compared to other acts.

As for Indie Rock, people have been quiet on Modest Mouse (except I mentioned it once), or maybe it's time for The Rat to leave.
