✦ 00s Indie Pop ✦ & ✖ 00s Indie Rock ✖ Rates | ✖ Indie Rock Rate Finale! ✖

#26 (1)
#39 (1)


The Bitter End

10 soratami | 9.5 @berserkboi
4.5 @klow | 5 @slaybellz

Starting the longest string of indie rock eliminations in the rate, and the rate's combined top 40, we have a song that didn't receive any very low scores, but not a whole lot of very high ones either, resulting in it having the shortest possible highest/lowest scorer, with just four people featured.

Placebo are a band from London who have released seven albums between 1996 and 2013, with an eighth one on the way soon. They're a bit of an outlier in the rate, as they've been around longer and their commercial peak came earlier than pretty much every band in the indie rock rate (bar New Order, who are obviously an exception here), like, they released a Greatest Hits in 2004, a time when a lot of these bands were just getting started. The Bitter End, the lead single from their fourth album Sleeping With Ghosts (2003), is inspired by the novel 1984 and is possibly the band's biggest-sounding song, though they have plenty of other excellent ones, such as Nancy Boy from their self-titled debut (1996) and Pure Morning from their sophomore album Without You I'm Nothing (1998), both embedded below.

@DJHazey (7.5) “The verses here are so haunting and easy to fall victim to. The vocals are definitely in line with this genre, but everything else sounds like the lighter side of alternative metal.” Why didn't you score it higher then?

@daninternational (8) “The girl I lived with for 4 years at Uni adored Placebo so I've heard most of their stuff. Brian Molko's voice really adds to their songs, but this isn't as essential for me as Meds - especially Post Blue <3”

@Filippa (8) “Love the pace and the "See you at the bitter end" hook. ”

@DominoDancing (8) “For Placebo, this was already a bit paint-by-numbers at this point in their career, and Molko was always a bit of a try-hard, but this is a good piece of alt-rock-pop.”

@berserkboi (9.5) “I suppose the same principle as New Order and Muse applies here?” We just don't know.

Commentary Guessing Game
The Bitter End

@MilesAngel, @slaybellz & @Untouchable Ace:
33. “Effective, but [REDACTED]'s forced "heaviness" and "darkness" always struck me as a bit silly.”

If three people guess the same thing, does that make it right? I guess not.
@DominoDancing (8) “For Placebo, this was already a bit paint-by-numbers at this point in their career, and Molko was always a bit of a try-hard, but this is a good piece of alt-rock-pop.”
My quoting went slightly awry, but the bolded part of @DominoDancing's comment is kind of what I was thinking of when I made that guess.
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#26 (2)
#39 (2)


Let's Make Love and Listen to Death from Above

10 (5) soratami @Ana Raquel @Attis @slaybellz @klow | 9 (2) @Epic Chocolat @fatyoshi
4.5 @DJHazey | 5 @Filippa

Tied with The Bitter End, we have the song with the exact same lowest scores, but five times more 10s, the most in the indie rock rate so far.

CSS, or Cansei de Ser Sexy (meaning "tired of being sexy", a name picked after a Beyoncé quote), are a Brazilian band that performs in both English and Portuguese (and often a mix of both) and have released four albums between 2005 and 2013. First rising to fame in Brazil before gaining international attention, CSS were known for a messy, self-deprecating approach to music (the opening track on their debut was literally called CSS Suxxx, with the song title being repeated over and over on top of out of tune instruments), with (supposedly) none of the band members even actually knowing how to play any instruments when the band was formed, the lyrics being quite chaotic, humorous and sometimes nonsensical (but generally pretty iconic). But despite all of this, they had very strong pop sensibilities, with pretty much all their songs being both accessible and very catchy. Though their sound would change as the years went by, becoming more polished and losing some of the chaotic spark of their early work. Let's Make Love and Listen to Death from Above, their most well known song, is taken from their self-titled debut album, as is Music Is My Hot Hot Sex, embedded below. Also below is Left Behind, an example of the cleaner sound of their sophomore album Donkey (2008).
@DJHazey (4.5) “I love a few CSS songs and I love hearing this singer’s vocals any time, anywhere. However, this is not doing a damn thing for me beyond that and refuses to grow into something like I hoped it would. It’s sadly a ‘just there’ moment.”

@berserkboi (7.5) “Quirky to a T, but such a fun melody!”

@Sprockrooster (8) “I am blessed to have seen them live - opening for Gwen Stefani I think and I have to say one of the best - if not - the best opening act I have ever seen.” I saw them live once too, they were amazing, I remember Lovefoxxx (the lead singer), was wearing a dress made out of inflated plastic gloves dd

@daninternational (8) “Doesn't really feel as rock as the others on this list, I love the title and enjoy the verses, but it doesn't really go anywhere”

@DominoDancing (8) “Lovely in a low-key way. Would be amazing if they had managed to smuggle a stronger vocals hook somewhere into the song.”

@Attis (10) “Sounds like if Yelle / Uffie decides to go more indie pop-ish direction and it's definitely a good thing”

@slaybellz (10) “God that opening guitar riff is so good and has lived in my head rent free ever since I first heard it in this time capsule of a video with pre-fame Katy Perry and Lisa D'amato from ANTM Cycle 5 in a wrestlers mask jamming to it in the back of a crammed car. It took me so long to actually find the song too cause this was before Shazam existed. So I would just watch this video over and over.”

@Ana Raquel (10) “I swear there is no Brazilian bias here!!!!!”

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Some more CSS faves:

A couple other highlights from their iconic debut:

But really, just give the whole thing a listen:

Superafim (meaning "superinto"), a song in Portuguese from the Brazilian version of their debut that sadly wasn't included in the international version or is available on streaming, a shame as it's one of their best:

And as a bonus, a great Death from Above song (a band that probably could have been in the indie rock rate):

he / him
I loved CSS, but "Let's Make Love And Listen To Death From Above" wasn't one of my favorites. "Music Is My Hot Hot Sex" would've gotten a ten from me. "Meeting Paris Hilton" as well.

I did love a lot of Lovefoxx's features.

Oh, and their remix of Kylie Minogue's "Wow" is one of my favorite Kylie remixes of all time.

Oh, and speaking of Death From Above, this is my favorite by them.

