hudweiser said:
Yuke1976 said:
hudweiser said:
I've been in Malaysia for 3 weeks - can someone tell me what all this "drama of last week" stuff and "bad press" blah is about?
Just get on
Thanks but that still doesn't tell me where all the Cher / Katie hatred is stemming from?
Katie had a camp attack in the middle of her song and could not continue, citing it as "too emotional" . . she flunked the audition for that reason.
Cher, had some kind of sore throat (re "infection") and her voice was kack (she flunked her audition for that reason), she then burst out crying.
. . Then someone she bullied at school gave an interview about the "Mental Abuse" she had received at Cher's hands when she grabbed her hair in the changing rooms during P.E.
Gamu, on the other hand gave a note perfect audition, but failed to get through on the back off some bullshit reason of Cheryl's . . and now she is being kicked out the country because of Visa problems and faces a Nigerian "Firing Squad" for getting a high profile in the UK.
Cue, a weeks worth of the UK making pin laden "voodoo" dolls of Cheryl and sticking them in the oven at 200 degrees centigrade (Cheryl baiting, in other words).
Cheryl then said in the press that she was pressurised to drop Gamu due to Visa problems . . ITV revolted and claimed this was bollocks . .
. . So Cheryl was forced to come clean (tell the truth) that she was "unaware of Gamu's circumstance outside off the show" and that she had actually decided to drop her before her audition AND justified keeping the other two because of "past performance, when taken as a whole".
. . And so the first chink in Cheryl's "Nation's Sweetheart/ National Treasure" armour is exposed.
If suntan cream deflects the sun, does that mean "fake bake" deflects hatred en masse ?