Ahhhhhh so sad Son Of Beast went out this early! Was hoping we might get an underdog moment from them and see it in the top 20 at least!
I didn’t expect to give it an 11 going in but it made sense after giving everything in the rate a chance. It’s a quintessential boy group track without being all pots-and-pans about it. Simple and catchy with loads of great moments.
And of course the boy’s cover stages are wonderful.
Glitterizer already posted the Can’t Stop Me stage, but their Next Level stage is great too:
I’m a big fan of Kyungho, great performer and so slick. And Donggeon has very iconic ears. They just stick straight out like a Pixar character or something.
Sidebar: Golden Child’s DDARA probably deserved a spot in this rate over their actual entry. It had way more going for it.