American Horror Story

Yea, the ratings aren't what they used to be at all, but for FX they're still solid. (Also, it's certainly a lost cheaper to produce when the cast is as shitty as it was last year versus when they used to hire some of the best actors in Hollywood).

As for the show itself... I'm over it. 1984 is the first time I checked out completely. The writing and acting were beyond embarrassingly bad, and not even in a fun way. I'm genuinely shocked that anyone thought that the season was cute. It was totally abysmal, just like Apocalypse. Unless they get Lange/Paulson/Britton/Conroy/Bates/Peters back I don't think I'll even be testing out new seasons at this point.
I'm honestly shocked. With the quality of 84 and the rumours that the show runners basically want it to end I was sure season 10 would be the last.

I would say there's a very good chance the witches will now be back at some point.
More Coven sequels, forced crossovers, subplots that go nowhere and rushed finales. Wish Ryan and the writers would map out the entire season rather than writing/filming at the last minute.

I've definitely seen this in the past but 84 actually felt really well paced and the finale really wasn't rushed. I think there is still hope for good seasons (if they remain shorter that is).
Color me shocked that both Emma and Cody are out...they along with Billie & Leslie seemed like they had have a very tight little group. If this show gives me Sarah and Lily both as leads then I am in. I may be in the minority, but I love Adina (ya'll do her dirty, she worked with what she was given in Roanoke and she and Evan were the only good things in Cult) so I'm glad she is back. I too miss Angela but maybe one day. Queen Kathy back too, I didn't even think of her when Ryan said old favorites returning but I'm glad she is. Angelica is rightly the one newbie that was carried over. She did have the BEST chemistry with Emma though so I wonder who she will play off of this season? Leslie...I love Leslie as a personality, Mary Cherry will forever be my spirit animal, but she really does need to be a side character that provides comic relief rather than be in the plot a lot. With Sarah, Lily, Kathy, Adina, Angelica, and even Billie, she isn't needed to carry a story. If we get a shipwreck I'm gonna need Finn's wardrobe to be as little as possible.---I'm saying it, you all are thinking it. LOL
