Ayumi Hamasaki Discography Rate Pt. III

Favorite project from this period?

  • Party Queen

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • LOVE again

    Votes: 3 30.0%

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • A ONE

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • sixxxxxx

    Votes: 2 20.0%

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Trouble

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Story: 7.4

LOW: 5 (@Weslicious)

'Story' was written by Tetsuya Yukumi and arranged by Yuta Nakano. Musically, it's a slow piano ballad with strings. Lyrically, the song laments a relationship that for whatever reason didn't work out. And then Ayumi imagines what their story would've been like if they met Donna Summer - In Another Place and Time. Even going as far as to hoping for reincarnation. As a curiosity, the opening lines seem to call back aaaaall the way to the final lyrics of 'M'.

When we met, I realized
that meetings aren't by chance

Beginnings come at random,
but endings always have a reason

Translation courtesy of @otenkiame


As for the voters, @otenkiame is a mess of tears after this, "An absolutely gorgeous song that puts me in tears. A song about a relationship that doesn't work, yet trying to see each other off with smiles. Something about it just hits me hard! I don't know what it is, but Ayu's voice and the arrangement just work on so many levels", after all you were just half a point shy of a 'HIGH'-earning score.

For @evilsin, he'd probably rather be listening to LOVE again for some quality ballads, right? "The message of the song is definitely a cute one, although sound wise it's not that much better than other of this ballad-y kind" ";)".

@Weslicious couldn't be bothered with dignifying this with comment, but as I recall in previous commentary, he did say 'Story' and 'The GIFT', its successor in the tracklist, were equally boring, but then again the latter vacated like thirty places ago, so...



Summer diary: 7.45

HIGH: 8.5 (@evilsin)
LOW: 5.5 (ME!)

DISCLAIMER: seeing as the sixxxxxx logo isn't really a font and just a set of custom letters, and that its period of release (Fall 2015) was marked by one of her least-inspired album photoshoots and a severe lack of magazine appearances, I just did whatever I wanted with the cover art of each track, trying to do some justice for the EP. For this occasion, let me give you this cute Vogue candid moment featuring Ayu and Timmy off to a pool somewhere in East Asia. Probably having a kiki. I don't know for sure, I just took the photo from her IG without reading the caption.

'Summer diary' is the production work of the previously-seen duo of Tetsuya Yukumi and Yuta Nakano, which isn't surprising because they're two of her most frequent collaborators in this stretch of her career, after all. It is, unsurprisingly, very reminiscent of the format and sound of her summer singles ('BLUE BIRD', 'H', 'fairyland', among others), but this one is less an upbeat bop and more a midtempo. This is the prequel to 'Winter diary', and as such, speaks of a summertime fling where the sex was probably great by the beach, so she remembers his scent, his touch and his smile, but he couldn't really understand or see the two of them as partners beyond it. 'Cause, you know, it lasted only a little while.

As for me, I'm not into the tempo nor the incessant twinkling melodies and the vibe that this is a watered-down version of some of her summer classics. It feels like too little too late. And why is it so fucking long?

@Weslicious says nothing for his six (something something album pun something). There will be no further explanation, there will just be reputation I suppose. @otenkiame exhibits seasonal behavior, and no, this is not about 'All I Want for Christmas Is You' going #1, nor that Miley song confederates lose their shit to, "This is such a cute little summer bop. It really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I just love how it sounds soft and delicate while also giving some really great hooks. Ayu does such a wonderful job making this something I'd want to listen to every summer". I'm glad someone has better use of this than me. And @evilsin is all about several elements found here, despite not reaching the highs of the classics, "This is definitely not on par with something like 'BLUE BIRD' in terms of summer tracks, still it's a pleasant one that has a bubbly attitude, nice arrangement a great middle 8 and some memorable melodies".

The video for this comes half a year before the events of 'Winter diary'. Shuya and Ayumi meet at a bar by the beach, bond over some stray child and fight in an all-new location: the shallow, ankle-deep waters just off the shore. Legends of brawling.

On a different note, the song was performed during the LIMITED TA LIVE Tour in 2015. The setup is not what I picture for 'Summer diary' at all, but it's a cute performance.



XOXO: 7.48

HIGH: 11 (@soratami) 10 (@Ana Raquel)
LOW: 5 (@evilsin I don't know a better person)

The ever divisive and controversial 'XOXO' bows out just two eliminations short of the halfway point. This EDM single, which steals lyrics from the Cyndi Lauper worldwide classic 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun'. The single first came as a promotional double A-side on selected Feel the love tour dates in Nagoya, alongside 'Terminal'. It was then released semi-physically as a PlugAir exclusive on October 1, 2014, after the album release, both on Japan and North America. Now I don't know what that might be, but a quick image search gives this:


Do these things actually sell? Ddd.

As for the song. The team behind its production and writing includes some unsearchable names such as De Paris, Rush, as well as French producer John Mamann, and Swedish AJ Junior. Both of which basically belong to RedOne's production camp team. It has this distinct melody running through the hooks, as well as harsher production in the verses. As you can all realize, it's all about the girls and their nights chatting up relationships with boys, their bosses, gossip and whatnot.

I feel I overscored this (5.25) and seeing as it glided past many better tracks for me over the course of the eliminations was less than ideal. I'm surprised this got a 10 and even moreso an 11, and it was kept afloat this long partly by having lots of 7 and higher scores, but who am I to judge the opinions of a few of you? Oh yeah, the graceful host. That gives me the right.

For starters, let me hand over the microphone to @soratami. ...Nothing? Okay! What about you, @Ana Raquel? Fine, let's move on. @otenkiame is here for a song for the girls to get ready and party to, "I'll be real honest: Her voice is kinda annoying at times with the 'girls just wanna have fun' parts. But, at the end of the day, this is a pretty fun bop! It's definitely an earworm, because those parts that annoy me are the parts that get stuck in my head", yeah, I guess, much like neurocysticercosis does.

@Weslicious is kinda here for it, "It’s OK. Cheap, sure, but a basic bop". More like basic, fermentation juice-leaking, festering garbage. And to finalize, @evilsin speaks music to my ears, "This is the one that came from RedOne's camp, right? You can hear it clearly, especially with almost ripped off bit from 'On The Floor'. I most certainly get and appreciate the feeling of just wanting to relax and have fun, but I can do it to some better songs, that's for sure". You better tell her and get Ayu back to the drawing board with this one.

I'm not even going to dignify the iPhone frontal camera-filmed video with a description further than that. But if you still wanna, watch below.

As for the second 11...



ずっと…: 7.55

HIGH: 11 (@lalaclairi_) 10 (@RUNAWAY)

4 (your beloved host)

'Zutto…' is part of the triple winter ballad A-side that saw its release on Christmas Eve 2014, and digitally one week prior. As a matter of fact, this is Ayumi's latest physical single release, and will likely be the last one too. For the song itself, it's the work of Kunio Tago (who's sparsely composed ballads across these albums) and typical collaborator at this point, Yuta Nakano. This ballad, the title of which translates to 'Forever', deals with Ayu being at the start of developing a strong interest for someone, yet the alluded is still not nearly close enough to her to understand ha deep, emotive lyrics and would probably call her off more quickly than how the charts did with 'Terminal'.

As you can see I hate it. It's the ballad I listen to the least out of everything in her vast selection. It's just so one-note, yet there's something about it that just puts me in a bad mood. I even relistened for this in hopes I would get some newfound appreciation for it, to no avail. It sits at the bottom of the barrel for me. But enough about the ranting, what's up with you lot?

@evilsin compensates from being a usual Kunio Tago hater, "Would you look at that? A Kunio Tago produced song I don't hate. It's still a bit uneven, but it full of nostalgy infused melodic moments that manage to tug at my heartstrings. In the end it's on a safer side, but I do enjoy it nevertheless". Meanwhile, @Weslicious thinks of this as one note, "I sort of remember liking this when the single came out. It has however aged into nothing worth much of an opinion". And @otenkiame likes it, while recognizing that she's walked this ground more memorably in the past, "A very typical Ayu winter ballad. It's super pretty and has nice strings and the like...so, you know, what you expect from her. It doesn't hit me emotionally as hard as others, but it also is nice to listen to more than once". Well, not every ballad can be 'JEWEL' right?

The premise of the video is simple, Ayu is happily waiting in a sparsely decorated room, as she is ecstatic about the thing she is anticipating (Madonna pun intended). However, so much time passes that her heart is frozen (Madonna again) and it takes over everything around her, makes the roses die and she's consumed by the ice herself.

The single was extensively performed throughout the A Cirque du Minuit Tour, and here's a performance of it from the 2014-2015 Live Countdown edition of this Ayu tradition. The face on the moon prop is kind of sending me though dd.

Last edited:


Shape of love: 7.63

HIGH: 10 (@otenkiame @RUNAWAY)
LOW: 5 (@Ana Raquel @lalaclairi_)

'Shape of love' is our second cut from sixxxxxx. Produced by the recurrent team of Yukumi + Nakano, it is a song with an acoustic guitar arrangement, a slow BPM and some piano, with a classic, albeit more understated strings + piano chorus. It has Ayu wondering about what the appearance of love is, its shape and color, while tying it to her own sense of devoting all of herself to love completely each time, 'cause even if she ends up broken-hearted, at least her tears won't be meaningless.

For me, this is nice enough, and what helps it is that it reminds me of a more subdued version of 'TO BE'.

It has that flavor of acoustic guitar and piano instrumental cover albums, which my mom loves playing while we do cleaning in the living room. The rest of it, to me is borderline banal, she's done this style to death by now. Honestly I hope she never uses these arrangers in whatever projects she has left to gift us, I'm tired. But that nice memory that the bridge gives me, is enough.

Seems like all is well for @evilsin too, "The melody in the choris is a little on a whiny side, even if it's still pretty. The almost latin guitar in the middle 8 was a pleasant surprise still", yeah I get that too. Seems like @Weslicious is content with it, calling it "Quite pretty". @otenkiame finds a hidden gem in this one, "Another beautifully made tune. I love how delicate and fragile it starts off musically and vocally before adding in strings to make a more dramatic chorus. And I'm just in love with the melody the piano plays; so freaking gorgeous. She just really struck gold with this one, didn't she?", yes, but will she have found the color and shape of love?



Sweet scar: 7.65

HIGH: 10 (@otenkiame @Weslicious)
LOW: 2 (@Ana Raquel a two seriously???)

It's been a hot minute since we last saw LOVE again, with 'Ivy', back at #44. Coincidentally, this cut was also released as part of the four songs that make up again back in December 8, 2012. This one was crafted by Dai Nagao aka D.A.I., who's most known in the Ayu world for being one hell of a producer since LOVEppears' 'Boys & Girls', one of her biggest hits, as well as 'SEASONS', and plenty of songs co-produced with Hamasaki: 'Free & Easy', 'Will', and the 'H' single. Oh and Nakano is also here arranging.

'Sweet scar' is very much an Autumn song, with an evocative, sparse atmosphere of many low and high piano melodies, sound effects that imitate the wind and a trumpet that comes up from the first chorus onward. The lyrics tell a relationship developed over the colder months of the year, as Ayu's heart is warmed by a love that she'd never felt before, they see each other daily, to the point were she misses the touch of their hands, and feels like she now understands the meaning of "I love you".

It's very sweet in sentiment and sound, and not in the way of dull clichés with overdone arrangements that Ayu knows all too well. In fact, the biggest strength of 'Sweet scar' is how it keeps a lowkey atmosphere for four minutes, that lets you appreciate all the little production details. I dig its place in the tracklist too, as 'snowy kiss' is so intense that it needs a cool down and this is perfect for it. I think this should've alotted nicely ten spots higher, and I did underscore it with a 7.5, but alas that two was brutal. We do not see a score as low as this for the remainder of the rate.

@Weslicious has also found the 'meaning of Love' if so to speak, "Hang on, this is gorgeous. Her vocal, the melody. Beautiful". You tell @Ana Raquel! @evilsin moves his brush in higher strokes of the Ayu pantheon, "So simple and stunning. So fragile and light, I'm not afraid to put it together with her other gentle masterpieces such as 'DEAREST' and 'JEWEL' ". Honestly? I support this for yourself.

Let us start lighting the torches, 'cause all three of our resident commentators love this, won't be happy about this result, and @otenkiame knows it, "I ADORE this song. It's so gentle and intimate. Breathtakingly beautiful with its minimalistic and calm approach. Just, GAH! I can't describe how much Ayu blows me away with this track. Makes my old heart warm up and want to love someone the same way she does in this song". Fuck, way to remind me I'm a sad, lonely man. ":("

Though I said this was an Autumn song, and even based the cover art on this chilly vibe, the video seems to have more of a Spring/Winter duality to it. Ayu sits on the side of her bed, stands up, inspects a plant, drinks tea, stands in front of a huge photograph print, is in the middle of an indoors snowfall, and steps outside toward the garden of her luxorious house somewhere off the West Coast. Queen.

