Ill honestly never understand why they didn't take a break a la NSYNC.
The boyband fad in the US has long gone, BSB hasn't had a sizeable hit since the fad ended and them staying together, while great for fans is just uninteresting at this point.
Don't get me wrong, I love BSB. They, along with NSYNC and Godney, defined my musical habits during childhood but I've never felt the need to listen to any of their new tunes since Drowning. I've heard all the albums and singles since then and loved their collabo with NKOTB but I haven't stanned for them since then.
I think had they taken a break back then and came back say in 2010 or 2011 they might've had hits and mass US love again. I always hear my friends and internet folk craving an NSYNC reunion but that's because they took time off and made people actually long for them.
At this point I'd even take a 98 Degrees reunion over a new BSB album but only because they've actually given me enough time to want them back.