Backstreet Boys - This Is Us

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Insipid and dated, it's obviously been lying in the back of Max Martin's drawer for ten years.

They should drop the 'Boys' and just call themselves Backstreet or something - almost as embarrassing as 'Boy' zone.


sounds quite promising. but like hazuki said they need some uptempos. but im not a real fan of them so whatever they do is up to them
There are some more unfinished tracks that leaked:

"Fallen Angel"
"She's A Dream"

"Masquerade" is very Chris Brown "Forever" ish sounding in parts. Definitely my favorite of the bunch.
Backstreet Boys have confirmed in this new interview their new album will be called 'This Is Us' and they talk a lot about the direction and producers they have worked with etc.

There are quite a few leaks of new songs around the net, including:

She's a Dream (T-pain produced)
International (T-pain produced)
Helpless Feat. Pitbull
Bigger (Max Martin song)
Fallen Angel

I'm really excited about the new album, as I think it is going to be a million times better than their last 2 efforts!! They finally going in the right direction I think.

I know they get a lot of stick, but I really love BSB and they really seem to enjoy what they do (whether they flop or not ;)) and still manage to do world tours etc however bad the album sales are.
Re: Backstreet Boys New Album *Confirmed Title* - "This Is Us"

Fingers crossed for 'International' as the lead single so they can keep their 'In...' streak going.
Re: Backstreet Boys New Album *Confirmed Title* - "This Is Us"

multimediac17 said:
Fingers crossed for 'International' as the lead single so they can keep their 'In...' streak going.


I want Masquerade or Fallen Angel as the single. However, it seems like it is a toss up between two other (unleaked songs) 'Bye Bye Love' or PDA.
Don't care what anyone says, BSB are still amazing and always will be. Will deffo be attending this but will get tickets nearer the time.
Sarah K said:
Don't care what anyone says, BSB are still amazing and always will be. Will deffo be attending this but will get tickets nearer the time.

To be absoluetly honest... I saw videos of them live wearing matching pink suits... and that didnt't got down too well...
and then they did that Black and Blue album, and I was gone...

How could I forget Everybody:

and other beauties like Boys will be Boys or Lets get the Party started (or something)
oh gosh I loved Black and Blue (a UK peak of #13 did not justify it), it was more upbeat than Millennium which is what I liked about it.
I went to their last tour at the 02 last may and it surprised me how low budget it was, I still had a great time but when you've been used to seeing video clips of the mega tours they did in the late90s/early00s it was a bit of a shock. Still will be mega excited to see them again.
Sarah K said:
oh gosh I loved Black and Blue (a UK peak of #13 did not justify it), it was more upbeat than Millennium which is what I liked about it.
I went to their last tour at the 02 last may and it surprised me how low budget it was, I still had a great time but when you've been used to seeing video clips of the mega tours they did in the late90s/early00s it was a bit of a shock. Still will be mega excited to see them again.

I felt it wasn't the same anymore, they'd become too big, too whinny, too polished - and that video Larger than life just killed it - what was up with those superhero outfits??
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