#bientôt - DALIDA - A Short Highlight Of An Illustrious Career!

Yet another low score of mine leaving - now I'm up to only one 6,75 as my lowest score.

"Quand On N’a Que L’Amour" has some beautiful parts, but as a whole, it didn't shine as much as the majority of the songs here.
I didn't listen/watch the performance that was linked, and it really shows how Dalida can emote effortlessly and look stunning.

And now we should take a (very) long break before eliminating the remaining songs from the 50's.

It's a bit surprising that @berserkboi lost only one 10 so far.
Also, what score did you give to "Comme Disait Mistinguett" @berserkboi?
Here is the first heartache!

Gigi L’Amoroso
Average Score: 7.342 <--- At least a more acceptable average than in the French Divas Rate!
Highest Score: 10 x 4 (@soratami @Sprockrooster @andymc35 Le Berserky)
11 x 1 (@Remorque & Le Berserky’s brother potentially)
Lowest Score: 0 x 1 (@Empty Shoebox) <------ Gigi didn’t die and go to Paradisco for this! *sobs*​

How did we let this happen twice, PopJustice?? Gigi L’Amoroso can’t even make it in a Dalida Rate, going in the Bottom 10 again! We may have to run a '70s Songs That Made It To #1' in 12 Countries or more to provide it justice next (NotEveryoneHasThat.gif)! In truth, I expected Gigi to not do amazingly despite my love for it, yet this still feels a bit low!

My history with Gigi is an interesting one actually. As a child, my brother was my idol for much of my early years (him being 7 years older would do that) and he used to play Gigi L’Amoroso constantly, which at first I liked, then made me go slightly off it – especially the full version with all the spoken parts included (and he'd sing along too!). Over time, as I got older the memories attached to the track (my childhood, thinking of my 11 year old brother singing the whole thing word for word, our holidays at his Godfather’s place etc) gave me a fuller feeling of my unfolding life, and slowly Gigi L'Amoroso became I was fascinated by and had great affection for.

Initially I had Gigi L’Amoroso on a 9.9 here for the above reasons, but then I asked myself – can I think of anyone else doing this track justice to the same level as Dalida? The answer was a resounding NO! With that perspective, I had no real reason not to give it full marks and a 10 it was! Furthermore, whether I had it as a 9.9 or a 10 – Gigi L’Amoroso belongs in the Top 10 here, and here is why!

Gigi L’Amoroso came out 18 years into Dalida’s career, a point not even 2% of musicians ever get to – let alone ones who broke through over 15 years prior, to become Dalida’s biggest international hit! Gigi didn’t really sound like anything else that was being released at the time either, Dalida wasn’t chasing any trend - she was still creating them. Gigi L’Amoroso is one of those records that stops you in your tracks for how edgy, unique and different it sounds in the context of the music of its era. A 7 minute opus telling a story of a character, with spoken parts and lots of theatricality is such an odd premise for a song, let alone one that ends up topping the charts in 12 countries! Its inception is fascinating too!

Gigi L’Amoroso was written by a lyricist who was also a close friend to Dalida, named Michaële under Dalida’s guidance. Dalida wanted a new song with which to close her concerts as Ciao Amore Ciao was the closing track for the past 6 years in her concerts, and our star felt it was time to change it up a bit. It took our ladies about a year to come up with ‘Gigi’. They ponders a while about this character and his context til Dalida was inspired during her holiday roadtrips that he would be a little Italian singer who was a big deal in his village, and for romantic love would leave to America, and try to make it in showbiz there. He would unfortunately fail and eventually return to his hometown where he is still a star and well loved. A tale of never forgetting your roots! The funny titbit around this story is that it is semi-biographical as Dalida was twice offered a contract in America but declined both times as she was very happy to stick to her markets where she was already a big deal and felt comfortable, rather than risk her stature.

Selling well over 380,000 copies in France – this is surprisingly a country in which Gigi L'Amoroso doesn’t end up making #1 though it is easily one of her most recognisable songs to Francophones! From the 12 countries Gigi is credited at topping the chart of, you’ll notice Switzerland listed if you look at the Chart Impact of our lady! This was her one and only hit in the territory sadly, though it was massive there which a great legacy! It didn’t top the chart in Netherlands – but this is also her biggest hit there! I do wonder whether this track would have been her breakthrough in the US (there is a version of Gigi in English I just found out) had she taken the contract instead of remaining the highest selling artist not to attempt a release in America…

All in all, disappointing we are already getting rid of such an important track in Dalida's career (especially before the other Gigi, I am sorry to say) but with the strength of Dalida's discography and the representation here - at lest it is succeeded with a lot of greatness!

@Sprockrooster (10), I am sorry to say, will not be happy Gigi continues to suffer the worst kind of injustices in Rates! It did better here, at least my friend! - No, I have not forgotten the travesty this song underwent in the French Divas Rate. I mean what the fuck. #80. I was so damn tempted to give this my 11 as compensation for that mess and the possible next mess in this rate (I am aiming at top 5 here). I am instantly transported to the Sacre Coeur where I am watching over the city centre over Paris with the mood this song is setting. Or transported to the Notre Dame where I am watching the doves are settling in their nests for the night in the magnificent monument. I mean who doesn't want to stay the night there? Or simply enjoying some late night music at a small café in a small street close to the Champs-Elysées. Paris L'Amoroso. Dalida L'Amoroso.

@pop3blow2 (8.3) doesn’t seem to have much experience with songs of this kind, though who really does? I can’t say I do either – this is how special Gigi is… - This goes on & on a bit, but I like it overall. @WowWowWowWow (8) gives me an image I’d like to see! Let’s go to Napoli together, Mr. Wow!! – A fun singalong, I can imagine myself in a different life being a little too wine-drunk and annoying the locals who were just trying to enjoy a night out with our off-key rendition of this.

@Maki (6.75) starts us off with the feedback from the ‘dislike’ crowd - Too long and theatrical for my taste, but it's a good song. I really like the chorus. Could've been without the talking part, too. @nnnumb (5) has a Mistinguett amplified experience here - A bit of a weird Italian/French schlagerish hybrid. A bit too music hall for me.

@Disco Blister (9) finds more things for Dalida to be Queen of, and I totally agree! Seriously, who else can pull that off?? - This song has such a strange structure. Over 7 minutes long, and yet it was a huge hit all over. It certainly takes its time to get going and is never in too much of a hurry to stop for a talking part or two. Not that I mind, not at all. I think it’s rather fabulous. Dalida, the Queen of Story Telling!​

The one and only!

En Anglais

Didn't expect it to leave at this point, but expected it to be divisive and it was my lowest score left! "Gigi in Paradisco" is indeed a better song.

The results so far are fascinating to me. In fact, the bottom 10 of the rate is exact same as mine, even the positions are very similar.

Happy to say that I only have 7+ scores left, although there are a few songs that I underscored.
Selina Meyer has some choice words for everyone who did not give this one a 10!!!!


Unfortunately that means everyone except me, so don't take it too seriously ddddddd


Il Faut Danser Reggae
Average Score: 7.421
Highest Score: 10 x 1 (Le Berserky) 8.75 x 1 (@Maki)
Lowest Score: 4 x 1 (@Empty Shoebox)​

Another day, another injustice in the Dalida Rate! How are we already getting rid of Il Faut Danser Reggae outside of the Top 25 here, PopJustice? Dalida brings us diversity, charisma in performance, uniqueness in presentation, nerve in attempting the genre at all, & talent to lift the whole thing above a level it has any right to clear – and we say ‘No M’am?!’ La Frustration Est Réelle!! Here I thought this was my lost song contest entry by our Queen of Diversity but I guess it is small mercy I never did so I avoided watching it crash and burn, hey?

Il Faut Danser Reggae (along with another song we are yet to discuss) is a song that was a key moment in Le Berserky’s realisation he was gay. From a young age, I used to dance to it, emulating Dalida to the best of my ability without a second thought. Eventually I think I must have done that in front of a cousin of mine who then told me this was not how boys should act. I had no interest in acting like a boy if I couldn’t be like Dalida was my initial thought! I did pull back on acting out the moves in front of family members mind you, but Berserky didn’t let that stop him behind closed doors! Easy to say, Dalida was my only ally for a little while there as I was discovering my camp self.

Listening to Il Faut Danser Reggae now makes me think it sounds like grower, so I do wonder what it was that made little Berserky fall instantly in love with it back in the day… Knowing myself as I was back then, I’d probably say it was the TV performances of it. Dalida really invented ‘Giving The Gays Everything They Want’ with a camp choreography involving umbrellas to suit ‘Les Tropiques’ from the lyric, half naked male dancers with exaggerated body movements that were smooth and exotic, Barbie doll fashion (hello @iheartpoptarts) – the lot! The way she plays with her hair and pushes each dancer away with her hips in the instrumental breakdowns too – the fun!!

The other beauteous aspect I enjoy with the song is how Dalida explored the reggae sound without it sounding like appropriation. The instrumentation only uses a soft reggae progression and beat, while the lyric speaks of the gorgeousness of tropical countries and their colourful culture – coming across like a tribute. Queen of providing diversity without claiming a style as hers!

Il Faut Danser Reggae came out in 1979, which was a very commercially successful year for Dalida. It made #1 in Monaco while hitting #4 in France and Luxembourg. While the late 70s are usually seen as part of Dalida’s disco era – it was also the time when she really experimented with different sounds, which led us to tracks like Salma Ya Salama, Le Lambeth Walk & Helwa Ya Baladi. Il Faut Danser Reggae is just one example of our featured star never resting on her laurels and always pushing the boundaries of what sounds could fit in her repertoire. Furthermore she exceeds effortless in many more genres than she has any right to or than anyone else bothers to attempt! Can anything stop the power of Dalida??

@Sprockrooster (8) is me, again! Sis – I should trademark my life dddddddd - Queen makes me stand up and dance. Quite the discovery. @Maki (8.75) agrees with me and channels his own Dalida (!!!) - Chanson, yé-yé, pop, cabaret, disco, and now reggae - is there something Dalida can't do? The verses are amazing and reminded me of something France Gall would sing, which instantly secures a pretty high score. The instrumental breaks are great! I only wish the chorus would've been a bit stronger.

@WowWowWowWow (8) is all for this Dalida can, and will do everything!! – Dalida bringing us language versatility AND genre versatility! @Disco Blister (7.5) isn’t quite convinced this is the right sound for our Queen of Diversity, listen to it once more!! - This is so bad it must be good. Well in a way, at least. I love the verses more than the chorus, unfortunately. Dalida, not the Queen of Reggae. @pop3blow2 (8) is impressed to have gone on this journey with us - Dalida did reggae? Well, this is in unexpected. It sorta works in its own weird little way.​

The first injustice of this rate. Didn't expect it to recieve only one 10 and have me as the second-highest scorers. Hovewer, all of the remaining songs are great in one way or another, so it won't be really tragic to lose a few of these songs.

I'm still impressed how well this has been going so far, none of the rates I participated had this many ideal eliminations in the start.
My ideal bottom 10 is strikingly similar to the actual one (10/10 matches in terms of songs and 2/10 in terms of positions):
#36 - Itsi Bitsi, Petit Bikini
#35 - Le Jour Où La Pluie Viendra / Am Tag Als Der Regen Kam
#34 - Buenas Noches Mi Amor
#33 - Darla Dirladada
#32 - La Danse De Zorba
#31 - Les Enfants Du Pirée
#30 - Comme Disait Mistinguett
#29 - Quand On N'a Que L'Amour
#28 - Gigi L'Amoroso
#27 - Come Prima
All songs received a score lower than a 7, except for "Come Prima".

Now, like @berserkboi has said, begins the 'roller coaster' and I'm getting anxious about losing any 10s.
On to a cut that doesn't hurt me too much in the great scheme of things....

Besame Mucho
Average Score: 7.646
Highest Score: 10 x 1 (@Ana Raquel) 9.5 x 1 (@andymc35)
Lowest Score: 4 x 1 (@Empty Shoebox)​

We get to a song now that I (until a few minutes ago when I put my Nancy Drew hat on) had no idea of the rich history surrounding it! Dalida educating the masses about classic music & political history all at once! Where else are you getting this content on PopJustice I ask! We’ll get the formalities out of the way first – I scored Besame Mucho an 8.8, as I have always loved the Disco era that Dalida explored though Besame was technically my least favourite (in that I listen to the least) of the ones chosen to appear here. Mostly it featured in the rate for the sheer fact it had a sound I expected would appeal to PopJustice, and I was somewhat right considering the average score, non?

Besame Mucho’s story starts all the way back in 1940, when it was written by Mexican songwriter, concert pianist & recording artist Consuelo Velazquez. A gifted Pianist (said to have started playing at the age of four), Consuelo wrote it at only 16 before she experienced her first kiss. She wrote the song about kissing as she heard the act of kissing was considered a sin, finding inspiration in the 1911 piano piece ‘Quejas, o la Maja y el Ruiseñor’ for the melody. This piece gained her recognition and shone a light on the rest of her artwork. Besame Mucho came to prominence through an adaptation in English by Nat ‘King’ Cole in 1944, and numerous adaptations followed after, and in more than 20 languages. Part of its success in America was contextualising it towards women who waited for their husbands during World War II.

More notably in 1999, Besame Mucho also was recognised as the most sung and recorded Mexican song in the world. A very interesting titbit about the track in a political context I found on Wikipedia for you all:

In Brazil in 1990, an affair between the Minister of Economics Zélia Cardoso de Mello and the minister of Justice Bernardo Cabral was revealed when the two danced cheek to cheek to "Bésame Mucho."[6] A few days later, the presidential band was to introduce Cardoso de Mello with a military march. Instead, the director of the band had them play "Bésame Mucho." He was placed under house arrest for 3 days for insubordination.[7]

Isn’t music and its impact just amazing?

Going back to our little rate and discussing Besame Mucho in the context in which we rated it here – it is a difficult track to talk about! You see, although the Dalida version retains the overall melody of the original – the lyric pushes the track into a then modern context, even referring to ‘Besame Mucho’ as an old song that means Kiss Me as Dalida utters the words at the beginning of the song. This puts it more in the homage side of things rather than a cover or even an adaptation… Further to this, the disco production of the Dalida version gives it a more mature flair, taking it out of the context of one’s first ever kiss - rather placing it in a reminiscing state of how a romance started with a kiss (I do believe this spin is in many an adaptation, especially when performed by more mature artists).

Released as the second single of Dalida’s disco era, after she brought the genre to France with a song we will be discussing #bientôt – Besame Mucho was a big hit for our star when she was making a massive comeback (after critics wrote her off, again!). It hit #1 in France and Monaco, #4 in Luxembourg and even made the Top 10 in Turkey! The artwork for this release is also one of my absolute favourites here - check out that single cover, either of them! So much for writing off someone as they were reaching the 20th anniversary of their career, hey? Floor to our kissable commentators!

@Sprockrooster (6) is also not rating this the strongest of the Disco era tracks here (or is he?? You’ll find out #soon!) - A bit out there. Nothing too special or offensive. @WowWowWowWow (6) is a little more straight forward with where this lands for him – I like what she’s going for here but it doesn’t land for me like the other disco-inspired songs do.

@Maki (9.25) continues to haemorrhage higher scores, will this end or progress with the next cut?? - This one was tricky to rate, because I've known the original since forever. I must say that I prefer the original, although Dalida's version of the song is nothing short of amazing and she did a good job at making the original a more lively affair. The slower tempo of the song is more appealing to me. @pop3blow2 (8.5) is sorta there for it all? (Thanks again for voting last minute, my dear!) - Sorta quirky, but also sorta bops.​

I adore "Besame Mucho" (the original), it's a timeless classic.
Despite what the score may tell you, I'm not mad about this elimination, mostly because it's a cover. Dalida's uptempo version is great, but the original just has that magical feel that can't be compared.

Are there are songs left that didn't receive any 10s or 11s?
I use the word 'sorta' a lot. I mean, it is what it is!

This has been a Dalida learning experience for me. So long as my 11 stays in awhile, I'll be happy.
And I am still learning all these years later! You are in for treats along the way (as I have been on your Mandy rate! :D)

Also - I told @iheartpoptarts about this but there is a museum in Paris that exhibits Dalida's iconic wardrobe - so if you find yourself there - please check it out and report back to us!! ( @Petit nain des Îles )

I mean - look at these!!




(Truly giving the gays everything they want since 1954!)
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And I am still learning all these years later! You are in for treats along the way (as I have been on your Mandy rate! :D)

Also - I told @iheartpoptarts about this but there is a museum in Paris that exhibits Dalida's iconic wardrobe - so if you find yourself there - please check it out and report back to us!! ( @Petit nain des Îles )

I mean - look at these!!




(Truly giving the gays everything they want since 1954!)

Museums need more popstar clothes. This is amazing.
This is where you'll find Ali MacGraw...


Histoire D’Un Amour
Average Score: 7.775
Highest Score: 10 x 2 (@Disco Blister @Maki)
Lowest Score: 4 x 1 (@Empty Shoebox)​

You know we are almost at the halfway point when even the low scores from our featured Shoebox Extraordinaire aren’t even that low anymore. Though there might still be a few surprises along the way when it comes to those scores, wait and see…. Histoire D’Un Amour is one of my lower rated songs left at an 8.3, and again I quite enjoy the melody, the sentiment (and most importantly the delivery) but we are back to that key Dalida sang in during her early period I am not too fond of – making it a track I rarely revisit. With this track now gone, we are officially down to a 50s Dalida Top Two (unless I have forgotten a particular track) of Bambino & Gondolier which I 100% support (I’d endorse either winning or tying at the top, to be honest).

Histoire D’Un Amour is mostly a track you got to rate here due to my wanting to have adequate representation of Dalida’s early hits, and how she progressed and expanded her sound and repertoire over her 30 odd year career. Despite becoming more accomplished as a singer over time - from this early stage already, you can hear and see how engrossing she was in her ability to tell a story, and living it as she performs. Rita Hayworth has been credited as an acting influence of Dalida’s from the beginning of her career (remember Dalida first wanted to be an actress before her failure to launch that made her turn to song) so it isn’t entirely surprising that she is able to deliver a heartfelt visual - but her talent certainly lifts even the most potentially monotonous and banal story to something special, doesn’t it?

I say ‘banal’ only as the lyric refers to that adjective as it depicts a ‘typical’ story of love and longing for one another in Dalida’s version. The melody is beautifully traditional, and even recalls the sounds of early Disney musical numbers, yet there is enough depth in the instrumentation to lift it above many of its 50s contemporaries. At the time of release, Dalida’s version ended up doing quite well for her on the charts, although Histoire D’Un Amour seems to be a track most fondly remembered in Spanish or Italian if looking around on Google.

The origins of Histoire D’Un Amour will probably remind you of another song we discussed previously (also an example of how connected the radio and silver screen were at the time, which also makes sense when one also recalls how big Musicals were back then). Written as a bolero in 1955 by Carlos Eleta Almaran, he found inspiration in the tragic recent death of his sister in law, and the original depicts a man’s suffering after his love has disappeared. A quick success, Historia De Un Amor featured in the Mexican movie of the same name before making the rounds and getting adapted and covered in multiple languages. An interesting (and slightly at odds) reading of the lyric expresses how love is a permanent feeling for women while only fleeting for men (if we are to study the media of the era as well as the context of the movie where it is performed by the female star Libertad Lamarque, that would probably seem like a true reading indeed – luckily we’ve come a fair way since).

Despite the many interesting elements to be found here, Histoire D’Un Amour seems to be the track with the least amount of commentary here sadly, with even frequent commenter Maki missing in action – though I am hoping he will give us a breakdown of why this scored a 10 for him now we are up to this Love Story.

@Sprockrooster (9) is engrossed and transported yet again by our multiply talented lady! P.S Sis, when are we meeting in Paris to go see that exhibit??? - Such a spell-binding epos. Dalida can sell a story with so much ease. @WowWowWowWow (7) certainly got it right there, though the Dalida version is one of the oldest adaptations, the track has been covered as far as China in Mandarin and as recently as 2015 by Il Divo so I am sure you may have heard another version before the one we rated – Is this a cover? Why do I think it sounds like one? HELP ME

@pop3blow2 (9) keeps it short and snappy (you’ll also see Disco agrees with you about the pretty is every sense of the word :-D ) - Pretty. @Disco Blister (10) is into it all (mention it alllllllll – NY Housewives reference for the uninitiated) - Now this is a tune. She also looks amazing in the clip. I don’t think dark hair suited her very well during her early years, no matter how natural it might’ve been, but here it looks beautiful.​

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