#bientôt - DALIDA - A Short Highlight Of An Illustrious Career!

Seaux! I went to have dinner with my mum last night and while we were at my brother's place - a certain Berserky used this opportunity to have a looksee at the DVD Shelf to find a Boxset he got his brother years ago went he first went to Paris! Of course, this must now return to the Purchaser for some time...

Over 7 hours of Dalida interviews and live TV performances for me!!! Yippeee!!! (I must return to France, just to find more of these excellent Boxsets!) The newest edition of this is 8 DVDs long and has 20 hours of footage - so my 7 hours feel like a massive short-change! Dddd

An excellent Bop discovery so far:

@Empty Shoebox @iheartpoptarts @WowWowWowWow @Disco Blister

Also - this is an absolute monster in STEREO!!

Considering all the great material on offer - maybe a Part 2 of this rate will be in order in a year or so...

A new favourite for @Maki and @nnnumb!


Staff member

I love you.
The three veto panels looking at this thread title:

Time to unleash my final 'song spotlight' that I've been sitting on for several months.
Probably my favorite song discovery that didn't appear in this rate:

It's pure amazingness and a perfect balance of Greek and oriental influences. It even has a bridge/middle-8.
Would've been my 11 contender if it was included in this rate. Fantastic!
