Björk - Fossora

No one can see, feel or guess anything on here because even if it has been repeated countless times, the basic fact Björk makes 90% of her music on her own and will always be the sole producer behind it is treated like wild science-fiction, like it can't possibly be true, and we have to waste posts entertaining the notion it's within the realm of possibility the randoms she borrows beats from last-minute have somehow the authority to tell a literal legend (feat. Ayesha Erotica) what to do and how. I don't regret to declare, my carefree dancing divas, that any thought outside this fundamental truth is like comments left under a digital newspaper article.

But the way the discourse always boils down to the fact she should simply stop being herself and be more like 10 other much younger artists on the market right now is top-notch high comedy and I encourage you to keep being clowns. "And how pretentious that her name is Björk?" you say. "The umlaut is pathetic and it has no hook. I hope she becomes Vanessa for the next album." "One can dream," you answer, "and Reykjavík is too obscure and self-indulgent. It is high time she becomes from somewhere pop like Melbourne, Australia. More sunny, more tanned, more for the girls."
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No one can see, feel or guess anything on here because even if it has been repeated countless times, the basic fact Björk makes 90% of her music on her own and will always be the sole producer behind it is treated like wild science-fiction, like it can't possibly be true, and we have to waste posts entertaining the notion it's within the realm of possibility the randoms she borrows beats from last-minute have somehow the authority to tell a literal legend (feat. Ayesha Erotica) what to do and how. I don't regret to declare, my carefree dancing divas, that any thought outside this fundamental truth is like comments left under a digital newspaper article.

But the way the discourse always boils down to the fact she should simply stop being herself and be more like 10 other much younger artists on the market right now is top-notch high comedy and I encourage you to keep being clowns. "And how pretentious that her name is Björk?" you say. "The umlaut is pathetic and it has no hook. I hope she becomes Vanessa for the next album." "One can dream," you answer, "and Reykjavík is too obscure and self-indulgent. It is high time she becomes from somewhere pop like Melbourne, Australia. More sunny, more tanned, more for the girls."
I feel called out in this post and I arguably side more with you on this than I do the posts begging for Post 2.0 fff
Think of her sciatica!!!

Isn't that precisely what the people asking for a bops album are already thinking of

It just doesn’t feel like a live performance. Asking people to not use phones while what you watch is basically a screensaver is a tad strange.

Personally I haven't felt enticed by Björk as a live performer since the Biophilia era. Audibly it's outstanding as per but you can't get any connection to her on stage because it's all about what is going on around her or on her.
