Kelela was nothing short of hypnotic last night.So, last night I saw Kelela...
Wig obviously. An experience. My respect for this woman has grown so much. I feel like looking at a woman who is just at the start of a massive career. Her pre-Take Me Apart songs she did live were also much more understood in the context of her live performance. Highlight is definitely LMK and better. The latter was never reaching the highs some other songs had for me until the performance.
Also, the pre-show was done by Tiffany Gouché and WOW. This deep voice from this woman has me instantly captivated. Her two new singles (Dive and Down) are both instant snatches. Sonically whe would fit perfectly in this rate. Yet she is working on her debut album as we speak so definitely something to look forward to. She is a queer woman so maybe something for @ohnostalgia's rate. I encourage you all to listen to Dive or Down if you havenot already. Liking what you hear? You ain't ready for Red Rum Melody.
I just love how these girls keep introducing each other to me. Solange (whom I also saw live) bringing Kelela to my life and now Kelela doing the same with Tiffany Gouché. I feel blessed.
And now coming back to the results after such a high. Well, I see it is business as per usual.
BITCH FUCK THE RATE GET YOUR CLIENTS ENROLLED.So tonight's result might not be until 6 PM or so EST. I had to schedule four client this week due to the holidays and number four is tomorrow, leaving today as data entry for progress notes. I'm gonna hustle as hard as I can to get us together, but it miiiiiight be a pushback if all else fails. Pray for me y'all. I'm just tryna keep my clients connected to healthcare and the calendar is lowkey not being a friend. In any case though I'm excited for us to push through cos things are really about to get interesting really really really soon.
xoxo @Mr.Arroz
It only sounds bad when you say it like that."Oh, so why don't you have healthcare?"
"Uhm my case manager was entertaining gays on an internet forum."
Kii, yesterday's write-up's are finished tho.
I didn't mean ACA enrollments either tho; my clients come in every six months to update their enrollment in state-sponsored coverage should their primary fail. So no super tight deadlines, besides the end of the month... but with holidays, etc. Both are going fine. Just needed an extra day this week :)
Both two-way ties are on their way to you guys today!