Last one!
Highest score: 10 x 8 (
Lowest scores: 6 x 1 (
5 x 2 (
My score: 9
Track background:
According to astrologers, those born under the sign of Aquarius are clever, inventive, original and independent—all, coincidentally, traits that make for a talented recording artist. Here, rising R&B songstress Tinashe showcases her own Aquarian smarts and ingenuity on her official debut album.
Tinashe describes the track herself here:
My thoughts: This such a perfect opener - what a way to create an atmosphere for your LP, but also completely detail who you are as an artist, which was her goal, as mentioned in the above video. It’s moody, sexy, light, dark... literally so many things at once. For me, I always listen to it when I want a calm vibe around me. Honestly, a beautiful track.
Your thoughts:
@TRAVVV (10) - This beat. You can swim in it.
@paperboyfriendd (10) - I had only heard Tinashe singles before this rate and so I was fully scalped as soon as I pressed play. It’s one of my favourites of the entire rate and am slightly disappointed that I didn’t find the majority of the rest of Aquarius as stunning and as ethereal as this 4 minute little nugget of zodiac-based joy. From the absolutely stunning harmonies guiding practically the whole song , to the little shouty megaphone man in the background exclaiming that it’s “THE DAWN OF A NEW ERHAA” this song is just so fully realised and beautiful. A perfect introduction to not only the album, but also the enigma which is our good sis Tinashe.
@digitalkaiser (8) - I remember digging into this album for the first time and thinking to myself “Man this is some lush ass shit, who is this girl?” and man, what a joyride her career has been. (I can’t even make this joke without crying) I love them whispery vocals and little production tics.
@Bangers&Bops (7) - A spacey title track, aptly setting the tone for the whispery (in a good way kii) soul aesthetic that characterizes much of the album.
@KingBruno (6) - This is a typical opening song where you can’t really do much with.
@happiestgirl (10) - What a gorgeous, atmospheric opening. Love her ‘welcome to my world’ whisper at the end
@He (7.5) - Lush if a bit repetitive.
@AshleyKerwin (10) - A nice, sensual introduction to the album.
@ohnostalgia (9) - This is very soothing until you remember that the promised dawn of a new era never materialized.
@constantino (8) - What a sultry, luscious and enticing opener. I’m not often one for breathless vocals but boy does she SELL every second.
@Remorque (8) - I'm getting absolutely fucking EVERYTHING from this erotic tropical bop this Sunday morning.
@Solenciennes (8) - A nice vibey intro to the album that I don’t like nearly as much as most of the rest of the material but not bad by any means. Maybe I’m just salty that I don’t have a sultry soundtrack for my star sign.
@Trouble in Paradise (7) - This is a solid opener, very atmospheric but even after repeated listens all I hear is "Aquarius, Aquarius, Aquarius" over and over.
Live performances:
(Don’t think there are any, so enjoy some related visuals…)
See ya tomorrow, getting close to the top 40!