You’ll Find a Way
Highest score: 10 x 14 (
@Petty Mayonnaise,
@Heaven on Earth,
Lowest scores: 5.5 x 2 (
5 x 1 (
@Trouble in Paradise)
My score: 10
Track background: Santigold’s second song, it was written by Santigold, John Hill, and Chris Feinstein. Santi and Hill co-produced the track with Jonnie “Most” Davis, as well as
Switch. Some physical editions of the album include a remix of the track (“Switch & Sinden”), which includes further work from Switch himself. It is also the version that Santi plays live.
My thoughts: This is a favorite of mine. It’s menacing, defiant, and loud from the beginning. Getting the album back almost a decade ago (!!!) this instantly grew on me. Like
@TRAVVV, I was actually more familiar with the remix for a while, as my BFF’s roomies all loved it and played it at any chance during my freshman year in college – though the album mix has become my preference as years have gone by. #memories
Your thoughts:
@TRAVVV (8) - actually grew up on this remix:
I thought it was the original until this rate. I used to be OBSESSED with
this dance video - but I actually prefer this rock-ier original version now.
@digitalkaiser (8) - I love the energy of this song so much! This was one of my favorite ‘getting things done’ tracks when I was trying to sort out my life. I love the more punk rock and reggae influences of this song quite a bit, they flow quite nicely together.
@Bangers&Bops (9) - A smaching critique of the music industry, which is consistent with tone of artists such as Lauryn Hill version 2.0. Wig.
@KingBruno (10) - The way she almost yells over the synthezised reggae rebound is stunning.
@ohnostalgia (7) - I’m not usually here for these super loud yelly types of tracks, but Santi’s voice prevents me from completely discarding.
@constantino (10) - The grit in Miss Santi’s vocals, go the fuck IN. Clocking in at just over 3 minutes, this is the perfect slice of energy and explosivity after the epic L.E.S Artistes.
@Remorque (7) - Definitely not as good as the opening track and when first listening to the song all these years ago, I just thought it was a load of noise. Yet, after a while it opens itself up and you learn to appreciate it.
@Solenciennes (7.5) - I’m a sucker for a punchy rock track and an energetic vocal delivery, this ticks all the boxes. It does verge into slightly irritating for me.
@Trouble in Paradise (5) - It pains me how poorly this song as aged.
Live performances:
You'll Find A SIay continues to outlast your faves, I see.
I will be so happy if Santi gets more than 1 song in that top 10!!
Was my prediction correct? Will talent win? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z.