Dancing time but the place is a tip.
I really am unsure what to make of this. It is very experimental. But does it actually do anything. I am sure repeated listens would help on this one.
Score 22.5 Average Score 4.5 Highest Score 6 (Filippa) Lowest Score 3.5 (Remorque)
Comments Include
"Very experimental but not very interesting." (Hairycub1969)
"Oh, very experimental music, didn’t know the fact, but I like that. It’s not the track I would listen to everyday but I quite like it." (Filippa)
"Wait. We’re only rating this because it was on the first EP, right? I just can’t seem to get into this one, as it’s devoid of melody and there’s literally nothing to hold onto.." (Remorque)
So the fourth track from the EP to leave at Number 14 is Disco A Bomb-Bomb.