Burn it up, B-B-B-Burn it up on this hypnotic dance floor
I feel like an atomic bomb about to detonate
When I hear the beating drum, I just wanna taste
Jumping BoAs: (10) @Attis, @soratami ; (9) @Kaz D'Oerba, @Slice of Life
Still BoAs: (5) @lalaclairi_ ; (6) @nanapop99
Crispy's Score: 7.5
5 voters: #59 (average: 6.8)
10 voters: #47 (average: 7.45)
15 voters: #31 (average: 7.93)
17 voters: #33 (average: 7.838)
"Hypnotic Dancefloor" is the 11th track from BoA, BoA's first English album, released on March 17, 2009 and the 13th track from the deluxe edition, released on August 31, 2009. It was written by Paolo Galgani and Lisa Rachelle Greene, composed and arranged by Henrik Jonback.
And just like that, the self-titled album loses its closer. I appreciate that, even though it stays in that icy electropop territory that the parent album mostly contains, it bookends the whole thing on a more lowkey note, for the lack of a better word. Don't get me wrong, it remains upbeat and has all of the elements that make up the classic formula used during that era (Blackout-like beats with claps and snaps used as snares, those specific buzzy synths I've mentioned so much in previous write-ups, vocoder vocals doubled with male ones), but it has spacey undertones to it and the hook, while being one of my favorites in the album, may not be as singalongy or direct as the more single ready material that was previously heard in the tracklist.
Odd comparison perhaps, but it slightly reminds me of the place "It's Magic" from Girls Aloud serves as an album closer in that sense. It's akin to that part of the night where you can tell the end is near, or it may have just ended but you still have some energy left for a last dance... it gives me that vibe.
@nanapop99 (6) — "What I gather from this album is that she loves to dance and she basically says that she will keep on dancing till the world ends. With that title, I was expecting an epic album closer but this feels too subdued. Lowkey disappointing. BoA can do so much better than this." I get that and I can envision a more ambitious closer like yours in my head. This one plays it safe in that regard.
@M24 (6.25) — "The hook is not that catchy, but the first part of the chorus is amazing!"
@evilsin (8) — "The production sounds so clear and crisp, it's electrifying." Yep and that's another reason it's one of my favorite album tracks in the album!
@RUNAWAY (8.75) — "not the atomic bomb lyric…..ffffff I forgot about that but aside from that….BOP!" I knew I had to highlight those particular lyrics while making this write-up... you're welcome!
@Kaz D'Oerba (9) — "Perfect closer for an album that’s absolutely wall to wall bangers! Sums the whole thing up well—we gonna dance for our lives on this hypnotic dance floor whilst listening to this banger fest of an album!"
@Attis (10) — "Aah the memories, I remember this one is recommended as the best song from her English album and it still is ! It felt more professional and fresher, compared to other outdated tracks." It's interesting because it's not like it's different from the rest of the album, but it doesn't feel as "of its time" to my ears. It's all about the execution I guess, or may not contain all the late 00s electropop tropes. Or maybe, as hinted by @evilsin, the production just makes it work.
The next cut is the remaining album track from one of the other albums...
Not even Top 20 messT