Billie Eilish - everything i wanted
SCORE: 8.841
11 x 4 (@CorgiCorgiCorgi @Conan @constantino @evilsin)
HIGHEST SCORE: 10 x 44 (
@Music Is Life @ufint @Joe. @aux @dylanaber @citoig @Sprockrooster @UncleDeSeanAli @Phloo @2014 @ohnostalgia @BeingNormal @Trouble in Paradise @soratami @Slice of Life @AlmightyAloud @Petty Mayonnaise @Cutlery @djmakemewet @RainOnFire @Mirwais Ahmadzaï @boombazookajoe @Gabeee9292 @aaronhansome @inevitable @sapnu puas @Petit nain des Îles @Jacques @Lindsay Lohan @Remorque @BEST FICTION @eliminathan @BTG @that boy is a monster @Trinu 3.0 @godspeed @KingBruno @Subwaykid @Lost Boy @reputation. @Laurence @TéléDex @Sail On @LA Hallucinations)
MY SCORE: 8.5/10
I was a bit surprised to see that this was the Billie song that y'all latched onto (outside of "bad guy" obviously), although I suppose I shouldn't be really. The Single Effect came into play in a massive way due to the fact that it was the first bit of new material since the album, along with the fact that it's probably Billie's... softest song in a long while. A lot of the time she pairs her mumbling with far harsher soundscapes or far more ambient ones, so to have production that came as close to a traditional ballad as she's gonna get probably helped.
It also probably helped the song is rather obviously about depression! The favourite subject of queer people everywhere. However, we actually have a sizeable amount of commentary this time around and it's late and I want to wrap this up so let's pass over to these guys instead.
@CorgiCorgiCorgi gets a clue, "I used to find Billie Eilish almost unlistenable, but what can I say, she really won me over. There's many great little production flourishes like the slight distortion when she sings about her head being underwater. Just a simple, powerful song." while
@evilsin relates to the the brighter side of the song, "I have a brother, who is my best friend as well, so this song hits pretty close to home. Especially considering my mood swings and outbursts that he sometimes become the subject of, he still understands and forgives. I feel like I don't deserve to have someone this great in my life. He's honestly the best person I know and I really wish I was more like him. I guess all I can do is just try. And show my appreciation for him more. A lot more." Aw.
And finally, we end with
@constantino, who will probably only find out this has been eliminated in June but we'll have to give him his props now, because he sure made the most of the fact that this was his only bit of commentary this year, "Mental health awareness and performative wokeness around the most watered-down representations of mental health have been a trend in Western popular culture in recent years, to the point where I recoil from the term when I hear it. And yet, I find Billie Eilish, possibly the biggest popstar on the planet right now, publicly talking about her suicidal thoughts in her interviews and music is so refreshing to me. When she says that she’s genuinely surprised to still be alive, I believe her. I’ve been doing youth work for about 4 years now and I work with a lot of young people Billie’s age and it’s very real how many incredible young people we lose and risk losing due to suicide. When you hear the majoirty of the young people you work with had attempted suicide at least once before they even turn 18, a song like ‘everything i wanted’ just hits differently. The song takes the overwhelmingly positive and celebratory reception to Billie (for the most part) and subverts it with the very real notion that the media exists to knock people down repeatedly, and maybe only deciding that they were worthy of respect after they die. Having witnessed online bullying continue after the victim fucking kills themselves (kids are great, yes, but they’re also cunts), the idea that Billie finally succumbs to her mental health struggles and everyone turns on her is really not that difficult to imagine. All this intensity is countered with the immense calm that consumes this track, which is mirrored by the gorgeous music video. It speaks to the fact that for someone who continuously thinks about death, the idea of dying isn’t as terrifying or chaotic as I may find it. Having my late teens shaped by suicide, these challenges to my conception of death have been incredibly important and Billie has had a lot to do with that. So yeah, there’s my essay, suck my dick @RJF." After all
that? Okay diminutive daddy.