SCORE: 9.341
11 x 21 (@Joe., @citoig, @Phloo, @Laura Vanderbooben, @Jwentz, @AlmightyAloud, @Verandi, @matthew., @Fuchsia, @boombazookajoe, @Hurricane Drunk, @inevitable, @Lindsay Lohan, @Robsolete, @Weslicious, @Serg., @Lost Boy, @tylerc904, @Butterfly, @Guy, @LA Hallucinations)
HIGHEST SCORE: 10 x 39 (
@Music Is Life,
@Trouble in Paradise,
@Petty Mayonnaise,
@Seventeen Days,
@sapnu puas,
@Petit nain des Îles,
@Mr Blonde,
@that boy is a monster,
@Trinu 3.0,
@Sail On)
@Phonetics Boy)
I had this idea of rewriting the lyrics to this as a write-up, and I even started on it, but after the recent posts referring to one of the best pop songs of the decade "cute" and
@Gabeee9292 calling Katy's career a "fluke" I decided you all don't deserve my brilliance
or my time, nor Katy's for that matter! So fuck off and just give me likes.
I already eulogized this song in the Forum Poll, which it deservedly won, but I'll try to say something different here. Katy Perry has been, in many ways, a celebrity avatar for me. We had similar upbringings yeah yeah everyone knows that by now, but it
does follow you. Being poorly educated for half my life and sheltered for more of it has followed me, just as it has followed Katy. We don't know what we don't know until we get shamed for it - yes, this happens to everyone at some point or another, but when it's for things that literally
everyone else knows it comes with a nice extra heaping of scorn and humiliation. To see Katy go from where she started to what she achieved was inspiring for me, and it's a major reason why I felt empowered enough to pursue my professional dreams, instead of writing them off as unrealistic because I knew, at some point, my family would not be supportive of them. (I was actually wrong about this, which was a lovely surprise).
But personally, she's struggled a lot, and publicly. Those bottoms-up-and-the-devil-laughs parents of hers. That
tragic taste in men.
Dr. Luke. And after a record where the wheels came off, where she opted not to work with her most reliable collaborator because she believed women over him, where she chopped off her hair and was
pilloried for it in ways I'm sure not even she could have anticipated, she came back with this song: jubilant, buoyant, hopeful, and above all,
GOOD. She's never sounded better on record, and she showed that she still has the ability to put out a song that makes the world move.
Look, I know Katy Perry is fine. She's a gajillionaire, it's cool. But to see her leap above all that bullshit that was thrown her way and find a man who loves her (presumably) and have a baby on her time, when she wants it...that inspires me too. And I'm grateful she put all the celebration into this song. For me. As a treat.
Lotta commentary here, gals. Because fun fact:
this has the most 11s in the rate. I'm glad some of you will manage to avoid my ignore list! I might even take
@matthew. off of it!
@Joe.: "The vastly different verses, chorus and the middle 8 each being irresistibly infectious in their own way, but still weaving together in a neat little bow is what makes 'Never Really Over' so addictive. The 'TWO YEARS AND JUST LIKE THAT…' Is your classic, Teenage Dream scream out of your car window Katy Perry, and the speedy Justbecauseitsoverdoesntmeanitsreallyover...' is the extra little spark of magic that gives the track a new and modern twinkle. I know, it's a pretty well-loved song in these parts, but just how clever the song is goes unnoticed sometimes, the different uses of the word "Over" on the chorus are genius:
Just because it's over [finished] doesn't mean it's really over [finished] And if I think it over [think it through], maybe you'll be coming over [around] again And I'll have to get over [forget/get past] you all over again [From the beginning]. 5 different uses of the word over in 8 seconds. Her mind!" A
songwriter! We have to stan.
@Verandi: "Miss Hudson takes my 11 because, well, there's not really competition here anyway. Who would have thought, after the dumpster fire of Witness, that Katy could be so pop-smart to 'comeback' with a song that basically said 'fuck chorus-less songs' lives'? With a song that doesn't lazily rely on trap tropes? With a song that samples one of the best scandibops of the decade? With a pre-chorus like that? With a chorus LIKE THAT? I love it like that, I love it like that. For a few weeks, we really thought we were in for a redemption album, the album good ol' Katy was meant to make since she appeared on the charts; instead we got... those two other songs but it doesn't matter, Katy delivered the little pop miracle of 2019 while newfound friends were declaring that spelling is fun and shade doesn't make anybody less gay. I can confirm that Never Really Over made me, indeed, a lil more gay than what I already was. Thanks Katy."
@matthew., short and sweet: "Not only is it the best song in the rate, it's the best song of all of 2019."
@Weslicious, likewise: "Thanks to the repeat button it truly can never be over, if you so wish. Which I do, so it get's my 11."
@Butterfly: "Pop perfection, possibly the best song of her career."