SCORE: 7.627
HIGHEST SCORE: 10 x 17 (
@Music Is Life @UncleDeSeanAli @ohnostalgia @GimmeWork @soratami @Petty Mayonnaise @Jonathan27 @Ashling92 @Hurricane Drunk @inevitable @Jacques @Robsolete @Serg. @Lost Boy @reputation. @Guy @japanbonustrack)
MY SCORE: 6.5/10
Would you believe that it was almost a whopping thirty positions ago that we eliminated something from the Extras section? We had a lot of Taylor Swift to get through. We're back to it now though, and with the third single from Katy Perry's non-era last year, "Harlots In Hawaii", which depicts myself and
@Laura Vanderbooben during our scantily clad crime spree last summer where... wait, what? This isn't about that? But I got a bikini wax for the video! What is
this then?
Motorbikes in Hawaii? Why?
Initially coming to us through whispers of the song title alone, the forum was atwitter with speculation, dread, and anticipation, like always... until we got wind of it being another Charlie Puth collaboration, because the
last dose of chart poison he had served up hadn't properly killed off Katy's hit power, so he was back with another round. No, in all seriousness, I quite like this one. It's suitably sultry with just the right amount of silly, and Katy's vocals are actually a highlight (that ad-lib at the end; that conveyor belting round and round! Yas!) but it was frustrating to see another single lead to no album, and even more frustrating to see her and her team yet again miss the mark on what had given her a reprieve from flopdom with "Never Really Over" earlier in the year. A sexy summer bop released in September by an artist who had blown her comeback hype months ago was doomed from the offset. I don't think this charted... anywhere.
Here's the video, which I never watched. In fact I haven't watched any of the Katy Perry videos from this rate. I don't think I'm missing much. However, this is the eve of my potentially lapsed fave releasing a two-bit electro-pop song dressed like a queen off Drag Race who somehow made it to the Ball challenge with no clothes left and no sewing skills, so maybe I should just sit and eat my food tonight. There's also an ASMR video for some godforsaken reason, because all the turn-of-the-decade Big Pop Girls now only do promo that involves them staying inside and sitting down. My friend live performance? They don't know him.