Britney Spears

Deluxe releases wouldn’t count towards her contract, and also no label wants an artist to fulfill their contract if there’s no guarantee that they’ll reup with them dd. They’d rather have a dormant act on their roster than not have them at all.
I also think they've rinsed fans enough with vinyl reissues and shit merch drops that there's no point doing deluxe reissues unless there's a lot of care and effort put in... And right now, I don't think there's anyone willing to do that. It might've been different if anyone in her post-2007 """professional""" circle (including Cade) cared about more than their bottom line.
I also think they've rinsed fans enough with vinyl reissues and shit merch drops that there's no point doing deluxe reissues unless there's a lot of care and effort put in... And right now, I don't think there's anyone willing to do that. It might've been different if anyone in her post-2007 """professional""" circle (including Cade) cared about more than their bottom line.

I mean let’s be real no matter who advises her the thing that makes a difference is whether Britney cares or not. When she does we get amazing stuff like the Glory re-issue when she doesn’t we get…nothing.
Listened to Glory in full for the first time in awhile today and whew it really is such a triumph.

Invitation being such a dreamy and atmospheric album opener, Just Like Me being a sort of sequel to Unusual You. If I'm Dancing, Change Your Mind, Better, Liar, What You Need and Love Me Down ALL being ceritified bangers. A really enjoyable album to listen to in full, I genuinely think the only dud here is Private Show.
