And in the morning, sun hits the water...
Is this nirvana?...
#53 - The Loneliest Time : 8.334
(found on Google)
Highest: 14x10s @CorgiCorgiCorgi @popscene @Sean_ius @soratami @eddy2375 @Remyky22 @pop3blow2 @Ana Raquel @RUNAWAY @aux @FunkyButChic @Heartthrob @lilylu @Music Is Life & Death 1x9.5 @BubblegumBoy 1x9.1 @saviodxl 3x9s @unnameable @VitaminBee @fatyoshi
Lowest: 1x2 @eatyourself 1x4 @DJHazey
Music Is Life & Death Score: 10
My Score: 8.5
Losing another single, it's time to say goodbye to the fourth and final single released from it’s namesake, The Loneliest Time. It might be lonely but there’s so much to love here, isn’t there? The warm-disco groove of it all, the way Rufus’ voice really compliments hers, those beautiful melodies and those absolutely divine strings on the bridge. A longtime fan of Rufus’ work, she asked him to join the song and when reflecting on it for an interview with The Ringer Magazine, Carly said” I love that juxtaposition about pop and music in general. I even love that in production, when it’s a heavy production and a soft type of conversation you’re having in the top line or vice versa. I think that’s why I’m so attracted to Rufus [Wainwright’s] and my voice together. He comes with that dark melody and I have a brighter pop take. Listeners are very intelligent. I think that the fantasy of that song is quite obvious to everyone. Because I did—on one night, in the loneliest time of COVID—think, “Maybe I should go over to my ex’s house. We had good times and there’s still a spark there.” And [despite] the reasons why I left the relationship, I was completely convinced that this would be an A-plus idea. I’m really glad that I didn’t because I don’t think that would’ve been good for either one of us. But in the fantasy—and this is where music is nice for escapism—I went over and it was perfect and it was nirvana in the morning. I knew that it wouldn’t be that, but that’s what I wanted. And I think when you hear that song, no one’s fooled. Everyone knows that that’s the fantasy, not the real story.” Also it happens to be one of her best music videos ever. Fun, creative, a bit quirky and Carly looks divine in her 70’s “Farrah” blowout. And years after the viral dance videos of “Call Me Maybe” or the “Runaway With Me” Vines, “The Loneliest Time” became her first big viral moment on tiktok…. She’s comin’ back for you baby. She’s coming back for you!
@CorgiCorgiCorgi (10) "Something about this song makes me really emotional! I can’t even
tell if it’s happy or sad. Just an overwhelming sense of catharsis and nostalgia."
@pop3blow2 (10) "Rufus Wainwright dueting with Carly Rae on a disco bop was not
something ever imagined, but it works!"
@SyPOPhantic (8.5) "The spoken word is the best part!"
@LoveMachine (8) "Since this is the closing track on her latest album and the lyrics kinda
fit a retrospection, I wanna take some time and reflect on Carly. Her music is very dear
to my heart. I think it brings something to the world that is severely lacking nowadays.
Positivity, brightness, sincerity. And somehow she delivers it all without it being naive or
vapid. There's a profoundness to her airiness and there's close to no other popstar who
does it like her nowadays (there's always Kylie of course) and we truly would have a
lonelier time without Carly and her music.
Still, with this latest album, for the first time, I got diminishing returns. I hate those short
songs. And while I think it's bold for her to say that the only common thread the album
needs is herself, I'm not sure it's enough anymore. Many songs on here feel like she's
done them before but better. In my opinion she should've taken Western Wind and ran
with it. That song is so heads and shoulders above everything else here, it really makes
the rest of feel like "this will have to do". As it is, I think it's her worst album since Kiss
and that one still gets bonus points for being part of her earlier work.
I'm sure she will provide much needed bops in the future and my stan-card is carved in
stone, I just think now is the time to mix it up just a bit more (and I'm also sure chasing
streaming-trends will not help her music or her popularity one little bit)."
@daninternational (7) "The 'classic' instrumental means it's not a fave, rarely in the mood
for it"
@eatyourself (2) "I hate Glee."