ChatGPT and other entertaining AI

he/him/basic cishomo

What will this bring?

I'm letting myself hope a bit that this will be good, on balance. It's maddening how big capital ran right to "let's replace artists with this GO!!!" but the technology is one of the few things that we can look at with any amount of wonder anymore. Like, it's actually capable of improving lives, which we desperately need as we're accelerating towards fucked territory with the planet. I, working in tech and in a jack-of-all-trades role, feel like it's been saving my ass lately. And I'm holding out a lot of hope that it's going to enable me to have a good 2024. God, I hope so.

I think it's imperative that we fight for openness in development inasmuch as is possible. What we certainly don't want is for governments -- these governments, anyway -- to restrict its use to the military and, like, your bank. That way lies the nightmares. But, being honest, it sounds like that's the way we're headed, and I absolutely hope the next big development comes from outside the walls of OpenAI. What we really don't need is another evil megacorporation blossoming like that.

I'm hoping that I'm on a personal mental health upswing, so that I can allocate time to seeing what's coming. Things have just felt so stagnant in the world as far as what's possible, for quite a while. It's certainly not a guarantee, and hell I'm not even sure if it's probable, but there's a chance we, the basic bumpkins of earth, can take some wins from it before it's too late.

There's also a very real possibility it'll induce a new kind of hell upon us. But I'm in a good mood tonight, damn it!
he/him/basic cishomo
Video dubbing technology is getting good. I may have dubbed that iconic episode of Caso Cerrado and it was a proper watershed moment of awe. Like... it's obviously not perfect but it's shocking that we're here. I'll try to share an example after work.

In a healthy global society we'd be working to deploy this with governments to help people who don't have access to translation resources. Would be great if the moneyed could stop trying to kill off artists and focus on the beneficial shit.
In a healthy global society we'd be working to deploy this with governments to help people who don't have access to translation resources. Would be great if the moneyed could stop trying to kill off artists and focus on the beneficial shit.
Yeah, it's certanly not going that way:

Also, where's the example?
he/him/basic cishomo
Yeah, it's certanly not going that way:

Also, where's the example?

I never responded SORRY. I tried exporting it and PJ wouldn't take it, but I'll give it another whirl tonight. Between this and your latest video reply @Laurence, it's clear we're fast approaching scary amounts of power.

And, @Gasur, I hate seeing that. Especially because one of my best friends is finally getting liftoff on his narrating career, it's lifted his spirits and given him something to be proud of. It's just... the voice technology is that good now. We use it for auto attendants at my job for multiple languages and there's no way in hell we'd pay to go to the trouble of offering multiple languages if it wasn't available through AI. I've positively scared myself with a voice model I made of myself. I really don't think I could tell the difference in controlled circumstances.

But do I want an algorithm reading an entire novel to me? Movies with no human touch? Fuck no.

I have such mixed feelings about all of it, because I think artists and professionals should be able to use these tools to enhance their work. It's great for iterating through ideas quickly, artificially creating moments of "oh shit that's actually kind of brilliant" to run with, for helping people find information in an easily digestible way, and with voice dubbing specifically we could dramatically reduce language barriers worldwide to improve the lives of normal people even in the developing world. But the people with power didn't skip a beat in going right to "REPLACE HUMANS NOW AND TAKE 100% OF VALUE!" even as the technology is still in its infancy.

I don't think we have leaders (in the West, anyway) that have the thoughtfulness and expertise to help navigate this. We don't have a culture that values these conversations or anything that isn't immediate revenue. It sucks.

I'm very hesitant when I see calls to ban it all because if that happens, it just means the government and war contractors and their donors will have exclusive access and lie about using it. I have no doubt we'd get the short end of the stick. Realistically the best I can hope for is that the open-source, free software world keeps up and does work that governments should be doing to educate and give equitable access.

Sorry that was long dd

SATURDAY BONUS RANT: The other and existentially more significant issue is the environmental cost of this kind of power. It's disgusting what tech companies are doing in this gluttonous race towards converting WATER and fossil fuels to blockchains and luxury data analytics and multimedia generation. We can't just enjoy something anymore, you know? We have to scale it up to a million and generate profits immediately!! It's so unnecessary.

But not to throw the baby out with the bathwater: we could absolutely be using this stuff without raping the earth faster than usual. You don't need to colonize a chunk of Uruguay to run a language learning model on your own computer. There's open-source solutions (that I'm too lazy to try today) for dubbing that just require the hardware in your own computer and about as much electricity as a typical video game. Are you going to revolutionize the world and become mega rich with this? No. But fuck we normies need a leg up, and I want people to be able to scam capital with them! Hold two jobs in secret, use LLMs to write all your mandatory LinkedIn bullshit, and use a voice model of yourself to avoid all phone calls from customers. Win!
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I don’t know if this is allowed or not (sorry if not!) but I found lots of song lyrics I wrote between 2000-2005 and have spent many hours editing and reworking them using AI software (Suno) - I’ve just released 16 songs (4 more coming over the next month) digitally and I’m pretty pleased with the results. They’re mainly dance tracks but there’s a great Greece/Cyprus Eurovision sounding track in there too!

If you’ve got any old lyrics just lying around, do something with them! I’ve had a lot of fun making these tracks. It’s my new hobby! Ha!
he/him/basic cishomo
I don’t know if this is allowed or not (sorry if not!) but I found lots of song lyrics I wrote between 2000-2005 and have spent many hours editing and reworking them using AI software (Suno) - I’ve just released 16 songs (4 more coming over the next month) digitally and I’m pretty pleased with the results. They’re mainly dance tracks but there’s a great Greece/Cyprus Eurovision sounding track in there too!

If you’ve got any old lyrics just lying around, do something with them! I’ve had a lot of fun making these tracks. It’s my new hobby! Ha!

These are cute!

I scammed one of the big AI generators successfully and got credits despite never actually paying so yeah I'm absolutely making cute songs for my friends and my own amusement. It's been months now and it's clear they're not gonna realize what happened now. I put "Woman's World"'s lyrics through it and... it definitely made a better song dd. Katy circa 2024 doesn't make art, confirmed!

It kinda sucks at understanding my verbiage sometimes, I asked for an electro pop stomper bop and it gave me something that sounds like Three Doors Down on 80% sentience.

I use Elevenlabs daily at work now. Boss loves not having to record voiceovers for shitty Facebook ads and whatnot: the professional voice cloning is pretty hard to recognize as artificial without running it through a checking engine.

Flux scares me though especially as we're entering Trumpism round 2. I'm personally pondering how I may be able to use it to acquire money from rich people before I become a serf, but we're still working on the appropriately sinister plot.

Oh below is the dub I did a few months ago that stunned me. Things get messy once multiple people start talking but the first few minutes are kinda crazy.

Caso Cerrado iconic episode en inglés
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I've been using this at work and it's saving me so much time fff. Combining what it writes with some human touches and editing makes corporate writing a breeze.


I use ChatGPT all the time for writing formal procedure documents and it’s a lifesaver. Even if some of it is wrong, it’s a huge help in initially getting pen to paper.
One of my other favourite things to do is to put song lyrics into it and say “make an image based on these lyrics”, then send it to my friends to see if they can guess what it is!


I'm extremely new to AI because for some reason I'm very resistant towards it - and also way too lazy to figure everything out - , but my new Macbook comes with Apple's AI and I've been using Image Playground... It's absolute trash. I'm sure ChatGPT (or their image generator, or whatever image generator is popular right now) is much better, but Apple's can't give me a fade haircut, can't make me shirtless / muscular (don't judge), can barely change my clothing style. I almost managed a shirtless pic but it gave me a collar anyway, looked like it grew right out of my skin dd. It also doesn't even really look like me. A very cartoonish version of me, not the realistic AI you see on Insta all the time.
I've spent half a morning trying to integrate the ChatGPT API only to find out our 5$ starting credit was expired.
I tried using to automate a few things, it's fun!

So far I've built:
Social posting automation to all our pages.
Copying those the other relevant social channels.
Translating using ChatGPT (way better than Google translate) for a few things.
CustomGPT to translate to take stuff into account, context is key.

I showed my coworker and she was like how did you learn this how are you so smart. I told her now we don't have data engineer I was motivated to learn it myself and I kinda do now!
