I doubt the first thing she's doing right now after losing the father of her child is writing new pop songs for her PopJustice forum fans.
I think we all want to send Cheryl strength and love during these dark days.I just want to send her all the strength during this time.
We love you Cheryl!!!
I Won't Break cuts differently now.
I still can't believe a song like I Don't Care reached #1. Like... how.
I still can't believe a song like I Don't Care reached #1. Like... how.
History was made!
I still can't believe a song like I Don't Care reached #1. Like... how.
I agree in regards to quality but to be honest it makes sense: a basic bop with a feel good/empowering post-break up message.I still can't believe a song like I Don't Care reached #1. Like... how.
Crazy Stupid Love, an underrated bop!I mean, it's less jarring than Crazy Stupid Love hitting #1 nn. But I guess Cheryl was lucky to nab those #1s towards the end of the period when it was all about sales, because I can't imagine either song doing nearly as well had streaming been a big factor.