
Love Made Me Do It would be a cute 6th track on the album, but not a lead single for alleged 5th album material. Absolutely disastrous choice.

To criticise Cheryl's output and I say this as a huge fan (She / Girls Aloud were the first musical act I fell in love with, she was my first idol in a way) is fair and I do have some negative opinions unfortunately although I do believe the label where responsible for some of the filler as her name would have sold anything back in 2009 etc.

So I love the singles from 3 Words, and I think its a strong debut album! Messy Little Raindrops is when things start to go south for me personally. Promise This is my favourite Cheryl song and I will die on the hill that its her best and most interesting song, but releasing The Flood after just didn't make sense for me and the whole album is full of mediocre songs that I'm fully aware I'm able to enjoy because I'm such a big fan.

Fast forward to A Million Lights, and I believe this is Cheryl's best output, but still some filler which could have been trimmed. Single choices are slightly confusing here though as obviously leading with Call My Name was a smart choice and incredible song! but then Under The Sun to follow just didn't seem like the right track to me, I kind of understand it was a safe option, but I don't feel like it screams second single after Call My Name, and I feel like she should have released either Screw You, Ghetto Baby or Sexy Den as follow ups.

Sadly for me this is where Cheryl's music starts to decline and I honestly don't think Only Human is a good album,
I didn't like Crazy Stupid Love and I felt like it was lacking any personality and could have been sang by any pop singer at the time, like Rita Ora etc, then I Dont Care felt like another generic song to release (although I do absolutley love it these days), but I did enjoy her performance of it on X Factor at the time. Coupled with the bare minimum promo, the whole era just felt like a cash grab. Only Human flopping made me sad as I think its a really decent song! There are some good songs on the album but I do feel overall its not a great album.

Let You was a smash waiting to happen and restored my faith in Cheryl's music as for me shes the type of artist that is incredible when delivering good music and she really sells everything with her charisma and performance skills.

Overall I feel like her label at the time where definetley responsible for a lot of the filler with Cheryl's music, especially many of the album tracks and I can honestly say I genunely enjoyed the songs because I love Cheryl so much.

I hope this post doesn't come across as hateful towards Cheryl as I think she is an incredbile and underrated popstar and should have been even more successful than she is as when she releases a good song, its pop excellence.
For me personally, it pains me a bit that I find most of her solo output completely lacklustre. I still think that Fight For this Love isn't a good song in the slightest and had it been released by anyone else it would have largely gone unnoticed.

3 Words is largely filler, I like Parachute, Rain On Me and Stand Up, but the rest is just... unremarkable hogwash. Now on to Messy Little Raindrops, an unpopular opinion but I think this is a slight improvement on the debut. Promise This, Yeah Yeah, Waiting and at a push Everyone/Let's Get Down, are all decent songs. The third album again suffers from too much filler, Girl in the Mirror and Screw You are the ones I kept (Sexy Den A Mutha is horrendous). Now the fourth album, All In One Night and Stars are the only songs I remember.

I think that Promise This is her most interesting single and it's the one I return to the most, but I I honestly don't think she has one solo album that I'd label as decent. I understand her wanting to craft a new identity/sound as a solo artist away from Girls Aloud, but the diminishment in quality is painfully obvious.
I quite like her debut.

If anything, it is Cheryl's voice which brings it down for me. I mean; I absolutely love it and find it particularly distinctive, but her range is (or at least, was) certainly limited and after a few songs, I was missing some runs here and there, or simply different ways of, uhm, singing.

I was missing Girls Aloud.
I quite like her debut.

If anything, it is Cheryl's voice which brings it down for me. I mean; I absolutely love it and find it particularly distinctive, but her range is (or at least, was) certainly limited and after a few songs, I was missing some runs here and there, or simply different ways of, uhm, singing.

I was missing Girls Aloud.
I agree, she had that Victoria Beckham quality with her voice.. it’s sadly not good enough to win over the public with “she’s a singer!!” But was good within the context of a band with stronger singers.

Cheryl however performance wise could sell the absolute hell out of everything! Which really helped!
And was proven again this year with the girls aloud reunion, she shone so hard!
I saw Cheryl support the Black Eyed Peas in Manchester and honestly, it felt like a mini 3 Words tour. Loved the little costume changes throughout, visuals etc.

She’s just one of the best pop stars in the country. I’ve never seen a performance from her where she hasn’t give it her all. Even when she’s been poorly, she turns up. The tour this year just cemented how captivating she is on stage, and how interactive she is with the audience.
