COMPLETE GARBAGE: The Discography Rate (WINNER!)

Terrified my 11 will be done dirty.

I really like Girl Don't Come and Nobody Can Win, but I suppose them leaving isn't terribly shocking.

I was shook and thought Why Do You Love Me was out. But I could have known it was the bsidel since we are practically only cutting those. What a brilliant A and Bside on one CDS by the way.


HIGHEST SCORE: 10 x 2 (@DJHazey, @marie_05)
LOWEST SCORE: 3 x 1 (@Robsolete)

One of the more muted (and gorgeous) moments on Not Your Kind Of People, the instrumental of Sugar was mostly written by Duke as he explains from a track-by-track interview for the album:

"I had come up with an idea on acoustic guitar, very simple," says Erikson, "so I recorded it with a little rhythm track, did the first verse and basically the arrangement for the song. Shirley loved it and immediately started singing – I think she must had had some words already written.

"Originally, I had a straighter rhythm, but we started messing around with a dubby kind of irregular pattern. I played drums on the song – I cut them at Smart Studios in Madison. Mike Zirkel, the engineer there, got me set up, I played some stuff, and we picked what worked. The drums aren’t very prominent, but they serve their purpose.

"The song could still work as a straight-ahead acoustic samba. But as it happens with all our tunes, we stretched it out and looked for as many sounds as we could, without harming the song. It’s easy with experimentation to lose the song, so we try to be aware of that."

@digitalkaiser: A great sultry introspective moment.

@sfmartin: Nothing really new ballad wise but such a perfect amalgamation of their knack for sweet and sad ballads. This album was really a victory lap for me, reminding me of everything I loved and missed about the band.

@constantino: Well this is a whole lot of NOTHING. Ironically, this has left me feeling rather bitter.

@AshleyKerwin: A nice third of the Milk/Cup of Coffee trio.

@A&E: It’s such a relief to have something subtle on the album. It reminds me of beautifulgarbage.

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HIGHEST SCORE: 11 x 1 (@blissteria) 10 x 1 (@enjoy)
LOWEST SCORE: 3 x 2 (@bichard, @etienne)

I always see Garbage fans talking about the grungy Honeybee as being one of their favourite g-sides and I'm always a bit ...

It's fine, don't get me wrong but I've never particularly sought it out in isolation so it could have left before quite a few of the others we've already lost. Hopefully 11 scorer @blissteria will be by to explain why they chose it as their favourite song in the rate. The song appeared as a b-side to both the Sex Is Not The Enemy and Run Baby Run singles.

@sfmartin: Bringing back the wonderful grunge of their debut

@magictreehouse: One of my favourite B-sides of theirs and I would have liked to have seen it on Bleed Like Me. I just love the way it properly rocks out at the chorus.

@AshleyKerwin: This was better than most of Bleed Like Me, to be honest.

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HIGHEST SCORE: 10 x 6 (@Andy French, @enjoy, @magictreehouse, @marie_05, @Oleander, @Sprockrooster)
LOWEST SCORE: 3 x 2 (@bichard, @etienne)

OK I'll level with you. When I was scoring for this rate I only gave Amends 6.5. I really regret this now as it's probably THE song on Strange Little Birds that has grown the most for me.

With the working title of Epic, Garbage decided to buck the now well worn trend for closing out their albums with gorgeous understated balladry, instead choosing to channel The Fragile era NIN. Unsettling atmospheric verse passages give way to quasi-industrial pummelling more than once and because of these switch ups, Amends doesn't feel anywhere close to its 6 minute running time. Originally the track started more as a free-form jam session recorded at Butch's home studio with Shirley singing while Duke played piano and Steve guitar. It remained unfinished and unused for a while before the band and engineer Billy Bush managed to hone and refine it into the epic album closer it became.

In interviews around the time of album release, Shirley said the track was the most personal song on Strange Little Birds and, "I can’t begin to tell you how good it felt to write that and sing it and get it off, send it off on its Viking ship to be burned at sea."

@etienne: quite moody and atmospheric but just doesn’t seem to go anywhere of particular interest for me.

@Sprockrooster: This build-up screams epic climax and that is exactly what you get. Two actually. So thank you.

@sfmartin: This is good but very messy which distracts from the enjoyment. I don't think the pieces fit together and the hooks aren't strong enough.

@digitalkaiser: Kind of boring for a final song, but it does the job. It’s not offensive. It’s very garbage does Evanescence sort of and that’

@magictreehouse: Nobody really mentions this song but I absolutely love it. It has such an epic quality to it and it just builds and builds. It is the perfect way to end the album and deserves more credit.

@AshleyKerwin: Not a bad song but I felt like I rounded my scores up too much for this album.

@constantino: This gets going after the 3 minute mark, but the last thing this album needed was a 6-minute closer...

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I thought Honeybee was one of the weaker Bleed Like Me era b-sides. Such a shame at the other two though, Sugar is a highlight on its parent album and Amends wraps up Strange Little Birds perfectly.


Deleted member 312

Sugar deserved better. I gave it an 8.

Still, two 3s (the tuneless Honeybee and boring Amends) and then a surprise 5 (Thirteen) isn't a bad day's work, so mustn't grumble! I was starting to wonder what the latter was still doing here!

I'm still flabbergasted that Can't Cry These Tears is still here. I'd know idea anyone liked it until this rate!
