COMPLETE - The Indie/Alt Pop/Not-quite-'Mainstream'-but-still-accessible Girls 2017 Rate!!1

I love how my soppy love letter commentary frequently gets placed right at the end in lieu of 11 givers. It's true that I had about 11 potential 11s. So many amazing songs.

She withstood 15! Eliminations. Queen. Plus she's eclipsed her highest position in last years rate (the criminally underated Blackest Day crashing out at 17)

Blackest Day was her highest rated song from Honeymoon? That's... random.
Morning all! I was gonna do the Charli write-up today but I now have brunch plans and cinema plans later on so we'll see...

It took thirteen beaches to find one empty
But finally it's mine
With dripping peaches
I'm camera ready
Almost all the time


16. Lana Del Rey - 13 Beaches


Average: 8.39
High: 11 x 1 (@sfmartin) 10 x 22 (@mokitsu @happiestgirl @Serg. @Petty Mayonnaise @Bolton @Sprockrooster @tylerc904 @Lindsay Lohan @Jonathan27 @gagapourgaga @Remorque @digitalkaiser @soratami @NecessaryVoodoo @JamesJupiter @Oleander @kalonite @rdp @Rem @Heaven on Earth @A&E)
Low: 4 x 1 (@Cassava)
My score: 10

10 voters in: 23
20 voters in: 29
30 voters in: 24
40 voters in: 21
50 voters in: 22
60 voters in: 20

DDD it appears that Charli's bad luck has been shed onto the good sis Lizzy now that the former has been wiped out. Cherry and 13 Beaches falling before the top 10 isn't much of a surprise to me, but the latter sneaking up from the top 30 to overtake this upon the penultimate set of votes coming in certainly was. As you can see, this ended up in its peak position after only entering the top 20 once we had reached 60 voters, which is pretty good going for a song I've always found to be a bit underrated. Perhaps it was proud Lust For Life sceptic @NecessaryVoodoo discovering that this was indeed one of the best songs in the rate that changed its fortunes? hmm

During an interview with Paris Match magazine, Lana revealed that she wrote the song during the summer of 2016 about her experience visiting 13 different beaches in an attempt to escape paparazzi and read a book alone: "I wrote the song ‘13 Beaches’ to tell how last summer I had to search thirteen beaches before finding one without the paparazzi, where I could sit and read a book… But we get used to it. Maybe the game is worth the candle.” This makes a lot of sense considering her struggle with keeping the paparazzi away when filming the High By The Beach video, which she references in the verses. The song rings true for anyone, but particularly those in the public eye, who struggle to keep their sanity and general mental wellbeing together in the face of constant attention and scrutiny.

The song opens with an audio clip of actress Candace Hilligoss talking, taken from the 1962 horror film, Carnival of Souls, over an orchestral instrumental and simple piano chord. The grand, sweeping string arrangement feels far more Born To Die than it does Lust For Life, although the glistening synths scattered across the chorus amends that. Interestingly, the song is essentially a reincarnation of a scrapped demo called 'Something Real' which had a lot of the same lyrics from the chorus, albeit with a more baroque and down-tempo production style. TBH I've been experiencing a massive Born To Die ~moment~ lately, so the intro kinda gets me feeling some type'a way - think wealthy caucasian woman in Calabasas waiting for her husband to come home from a 'business trip'.

Michael17 (8) calls it 'nice, but just seems to plod on to a piano background. Picks up towards the end, but the verses are a snooze.'

Trouble in Paradise (8) calls it a slow-burner: This song took repeated listens to really click for me, but once it did I couldn’t get enough. Her voice is heavenly and the lyrics are perfect Lana.

For once, we will NOT be closing with Bangers&Bops, who only gave this one an 8: She had to give us a touch of somber wandering; it wouldn’t be a Lana Del Rey record otherwise. She bemoans as she wanders thirteen beaches to find the one where she can be alone. It’s a song that speaks to the lonely, star-filled poet that she remains at heart. Lana's learned to smile through the tears, but that doesn’t mean she’s not still quietly shedding a few.

ufint (8.5) gives his love with a small caveat: I absolutely adore this song, but for some reason I don’t find myself going back to it all that often. Hearing it live this summer I realized how incredibly stunning and vulnerable it sounds. “And I’d be lying if I kept hiding the fact that I can’t deal” rings so true in my ears and then she has that fucking amazing, pure voice in the chorus. Djeez. She just did that.

Soratami (10) calls it 'such a beautiful, emotional, evocative and relatable song.'

mokitsu (10) hails this as ‘classic Lana. Beautiful ballad with unique production touches.’

Like Lana, Kalonite (10) just cannot catch a damn BREAK from the paps, it seems: Lana singing about how annoying it is to be famous is 100% my aesthetic, but then it turns into this heavy love song and I just love it.

Happiestgirl (10) was also having a bit of a moment: Almost got my 11. The way her voice soars in ‘across the county liiiiiiiine’ is so dreamy.

Lana ha witchy powers CONFIRMED by Sprockrooster (10): This album came out when I spent a holiday in Sicily and especially this song warps me back instantly.

11-giver klaxon! Funnily, this comes from one of my most prolific reserves - sfmartin: What a song. That extended string opener, the delicate piano and fuzzy intro. This is the Lana that gets me every time, all consuming sweet beautiful misery. Thundering catchy chorus after chorus. The second chorus on this in particular is one of the best on the whole album, simply enchanting. Her airy falsetto taking me to heaven. I love the modem sounds in the production. There's no reason this couldn't have been a 6 min epic like Blackest Day.

Now, I despised your taste enough before you started coming for the breathtaking opus that is 'Hero', so STOP.

Honestly what a fucking song. I'd be happy with it winning but I'm already proud of y'all for getting it into the top fifteen.

This video give me LIFE every damn time. I should've given this song a 10 and I deeply regret that now. It needs to outlast "Disco Tits" to be the last Extra standing. (Honestly wouldn't be that mad if it won)
Now, I despised your taste enough before you started coming for the breathtaking opus that is 'Hero', so STOP.

Honestly what a fucking song. I'd be happy with it winning but I'm already proud of y'all for getting it into the top fifteen.

I don't actually dislike Hero. I was just picturing a top 3 without Lorde, Lana or St. Vincent, which would be tragic.
There's something about that intro of 13 Beaches that's very hypnotic in a way. It draws you into the world of the song and it refuses to let you go until it's all over. Maybe it's just me but parts of the song actually give me Ultraviolence vibes.

For the cinephiles, here's the scene in the movie where the sampled lines are uttered.
