COMPLETE - The Indie/Alt Pop/Not-quite-'Mainstream'-but-still-accessible Girls 2017 Rate!!1

Don't forget to rate everything else 1-4 while you're at it.
Are you telling him to give Lust For Life scores of 4 and below? I thought you said you loved Lana.


Let me just say now that if Lana is knocked out first like she was in the Alt Pop Girls Rate I will pull a Cersei and burn this thread to the ground. You've been warned.


This is your 4-week warning. If you haven't started your votes, now is the time to get cracking. If you're sitting on a complete ballot, let this be a kick up the arse for you to send them in to me. I will be tagging users who expressed an interest throughout the day, followed by another FYC review.

Here is a cute graphic I made:

