COMPLETE - The Indie/Alt Pop/Not-quite-'Mainstream'-but-still-accessible Girls 2017 Rate!!1

Don’t you fucking DARE SPROCKROOSTER
I am not voting! As I stated after that comment. But you bet I will have something to say when my Lana faves are tossed aside. But there is literally no point in participating in a rate where you do not like more than half of the material (though I did participate in the Jessie J rate but we all did for the kiii). So no worries!
Ok let me re-visit some of these...
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This has the chance to cause a lot of drama when you have the likes of Lana vs. Lorde vs. MUNA, which in particular seem to have many passionate fans. So I'll pop in from time to time to see what's up.

I'll quietly hope "Disco Tits" and "ILY2" do well for the "where's the bawps?" contingency.
