70. Lana Del Rey - White Mustang
Average: 7.11
High: 10 x 5 (
@happiestgirl @Trouble in Paradise @Joe. @Sprockrooster @soratami)
Low: 2 x 1 (
My score: 8
10 voters in: 51
20 voters in: 70
30 voters in: 57
40 voters in: 65
50 voters in: 66
60 voters in: 68
ddd we love a rollercoaster! Surprised? I was. I did not expect that this would be the first Lana song to go; I was sure it would be in the first three but I was convinced that Tomorrow Never Came and Coachella were less popular and so would leave earlier. Although, I personally prefer Coachella to this so I'm kinda happy about it no tea. As you can see, this song had its fair share of peaks and troughs throughout the voting period, sitting comfortably within the top 60 on two occasions and nearly breaking into the top 50 at one point, only to just about scape the top 70 when voting closed. At its peak (10 voters in) it was the SEVENTH Lana song to be eliminated...and now it's the first. Makes U think.
'White Mustang', the shortest track on
Lust For Life, was co-written with Rick Nowels and co-produced with Nowels, Kieron Menzies and Dean Reid. It was one of the songs that Lana teased frequently on Instagram, posting videos of her listening to snippets of the track on two occasions between June and July. To the surprise of many fans, the track had the honour of getting video treatment, making it the third song of the era to get a music video. Fans speculate that a lot of the footage in the video was originally intended for a music video for the unreleased LFL outtake 'Architecture', with some Nancy Drews digging up a behind the scenes video featuring her singing the latter!
Here is what y'all had to say...which overall was pretty darn mixed:
Jackarywoo (2) gets personal by dragging Lana's best friend just two days before their birthday, the damn nerve!
'Jesus, this is boring'. I’m sure he doesn’t want to be dragged into your petty vendetta against her, leave it out.
Cassava (3) takes an awfully...literally standpoint on this track:
I’m not at all a car person so the metaphor does nothing for me and the music does less. Okay...work.
Stradiwhovius (4.5) clearly has a low attention span:
This is where my interest in the album starts to taper off. It's… adequate. It's track
FOUR, sis...
By the sounds of it,
kalonite (6) thinks it's more
beige than white:
I honestly can never really remember much about this. It's pretty dull.
Moving into the positive comments,
Bangers&Bops (8), as usual, has something thoughtful and articulate to add:
She takes a top-down ride in a lover’s white mustang. Ever since we saw her hold her own against lumbering motorcycle gangs on ride and driving down a long highway in the video for “Burning Desire," we’ve been waiting another road-trip ready bop. Melancholic motor junkies, rejoice.
Flop stan
Kuhleezi (8.5) had a shocking admission:
stan confessions: still have to watch the video. Well you can rectify that right now by scrolling down!
Michael17 (8.5) gets extra points for his use of the word 'languid':
Very heavy, so it’s good that it’s short. Very languid and luxe chorus. Could do with a bit more atmospherics or something in the choruses because she has enough piano ballads.
mokitsu (8.5) shows some generosity (for once):
‘This is nice, but doesn't leave a lasting impression.’ AND YET you gave most of About U 4s and 5s because they ‘weren’t memorable’. Hmm. Your bias is showing.
Fantasy (8.5) has a fallacy:
Wait, is a ‘White Mustang’ referring to a penis? dddd. This is actually quite nice. I like the way the song builds and the last minute in particular is brilliant, especially the final chorus. The race-car sounds and whistling are nice added effects. I think she genuinely meant the car, sis.
sfmartin (9):
One of the weakest songs on the album but it’s still very very good. Even lazy Lana is still top notch. She clearly can churn addictive, heartbreaking melodies in her sleep. At first I read it as 'chum addictive' and now I'm thinking about Plankton from Spongebob. Miss Karen was
everything, wasn't she?
Sprockrooster (10) calls it ‘so effortlessly chill and those whistles suit the song so well.’
happiestgirl (10) attempts a drive-by drag for the video: '
Lana by the numbers is Lana I love. Shane about the video though.' a) oo’s Shane? b) the video is excellent.
This song is what won
Trouble in Paradise (10) back around to team Lana:
This is the song that got me to listen to Lust for Life after falling off the Lana train for a few albums. Her voice with the piano is gorgeous. The second verse is the lyrical highlight of the album in my opinion. “I’ve been feeling like armageddon cause you, hold me in your arms just a little too tight”
Joe. (10) stans the underdog and gives this the love it deserves:
It disappoints me that this is so often seen as the worst song on the album. Yes, it's almost parody Lana 'In your white mustang…your white mustang'. Yes, she's kind of written this song about 20 times before. But there is something so perfect about the way this comes together, from the understated piano-led instrumental to Lana's dreamy, just-smoked-7-blunts vocal.