COMPLETE - The Indie/Alt Pop/Not-quite-'Mainstream'-but-still-accessible Girls 2017 Rate!!1


Former member 21294

I'm not the biggest fan of Charles around here, but this shimmery bop is done so wrong.

Wow I thought for sure that Roll With Me was gonna be one of the last N1A songs to leave the rate.

I'm blaming the Lana fans for this mess.
Even though I gave this an 8 i'm happy some of ya'll are starting to lose your 10s now.



How could you tell me nothing's wrong (t-tell me)


Tell me, tell me nothing's wrong (t-tell me)


It was good but now it's gone (t-tell me)


Tell me, tell me nothing's wrong (t-tell me)


How could you tell me nothing's wrong (t-tell me)


Go on, tell me what you want (t-tell me)


Boy, keep telling me all along (t-tell me)


Just tell me nothing's wrong


(TIE) 67. HAIM - Nothing's Wrong


ddd sorry Lan, nothing personal hun x

Average: 7.20
High: 11 x 1 (@slaybellz) 10 x 3 (@Sanctuary @gagapourgaga @HeartSwells)
Low: 3 x 1 (@Serg.)
My score: 9

10 voters in: 30 (!)
20 voters in: 63 (bruh)
30 voters in: 69
40 voters in: 68
50 voters in: 69
60 voters in: 70

I know a lot of you (well, a few of you) have been saying this repeatedly but this should've been top 40 at the very least. The HAIM album is samey and lacks the amount of standout moments the other competing albums have, but this is an excellent song and deserved better. Not only is it a bop, it's a Fleetwood Mac-esque bop! I can honestly say that I think this is one of the best things they've produced so far and I think you lot underscored it because you associated it only with the parent album, rather than assessing it on its individual merits. Interestingly, the average that got it comfortably in the top 40 was 7.55, which is only 0.35 higher than the average that saw it scrape the top 70. Makes U think, huh?

It feels like some voters wrote 'boring' next to every song on the track listing alongside a 6 and called it a day without even listening to the song properly. If your excuse for calling this boring is that 'you gave up on the album' or 'zoned out', you're pathetic because it's track 2 after the best song on the album. This has hooks for days and second best chorus on the album after Want You Back, so I implore you haters to listen to this again.

Here's what the band had to say about it:

Alana: My favorite guitar lick on the record.

Danielle: This song started out with that guitar lick. And it starts a narrative that [spans] some of the record, of dealing with coming back from tour and realizing something’s changed in a relationship: You’re sleeping back-to-back, maybe you don’t want to admit to yourself that something’s wrong.

Este: Sometimes you can be in a relationship and feel a shift, like, Something doesn’t feel right, but I know the second that I voice it, it’s out in the open, and I can’t take it back. That’s a lot of what we were feeling.

Danielle: We had jotted down the first lines— “Countin’ the hours/With nothing to say/Gone through the motions/They’re slipping away.” It was this throwaway, not-really-melodic melody, more like a thought just bursting out.

Interviewer: Do you all contribute lyrics to every song?

Este: Very much. When I put forth lyrics, they get very emo. And Danielle and Alana have to reel them in. It’s very much a spaghetti-against-the-wall situation. So I’ll throw the meatiest pasta sauce against the wall, and Danielle and Alana will take some of it off.

And here's what you heifers had to say:

Something's certainly wrong with Cassava's (4) hearing: Weird production on an otherwise paint-by-numbers HAIM song.

Sprockrooster (4) is back at it again: Bland. Boring. A bit of a mess. What is that voice in the middle-8? Definitely something's wrong with that. But enough about you, sis.

I’m not quite sure of whether ‘going off’ is a good or bad thing according to happiestgirl (6)...Goes off a bit. How come all the verses on this album sound exactly the same?

Trouble In Paradise (6.5) has an interesting definition of what can be deemed a ‘breakdown’: This is Haim trying to be Fleetwood Mac without even hiding it this time. The breakdown is promising but ultimately disappointing. Britney ‘07 it is not…

This wasn't ~deep~ enough for Michael17 (7.5): A bit too basic. I don’t feel like it really says anything. A good summer bop, but sadly inconsequential. 'Real music' teas.

mokitsu (8) calls it ‘catchy and fun’. At this stage, I'll take it...

sfmartin (8) also serves taste: Very catchy, great beat. Stands apart from the pack.

My good sis ufint (8) gets it: C’mon Fleetwood Mac! Madly catchy chorus even though it gets a bit repetitive.

Fantasy (8) had me until the middle-8 slander: This one almost has a country vibe, I like it. What is that middle-8 though?

bleedingheart80 (8) makes an interesting comparison: Is it just me or does this song remind anyone else of MUNA? Danielle sounds a little bit like Katie here, it's eerie. Love the "te-tell me" in the background, very catchy. I totally hear it!

Bangers&Bops (8), stays true to his username by praising this glorious track: HAIM shines a light on the contradictory aspects of growing up and being in a relationship. Although you know something happened, you can’t bring yourself to ask, but then lying about it is even worse. Maybe you should have known, “I was so foolish, I was so blind. Why do we do this to each other, baby? Heartbreak by design,” but why tell yourself you could have prevented this heartbreak? Production wise, it follows the too much tinkering that ”Ready For You” does, which prevents it from being the 10 it deserves.

11-giver gagapourgaga calls it a ‘stone cold BOP’ and I agree.

11-giver slaybellz once again serves appropriate giffage and imagery, talent! Take it away, sis!

"Sign of the times, signs of your crimes
Thinking about the other night, was it all in my mind?
I was so fooooolish, I was so blind
Heartbreak by desiiiiiiign"


This song makes me feel like I’m driving threw a desert road on the west coast in a 80s convertible car while the sun is setting down.

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