COMPLETE - The Indie/Alt Pop/Not-quite-'Mainstream'-but-still-accessible Girls 2017 Rate!!1

3 of you will be losing your 11 very shortly...

People having been calling for my 11 to leave since the beginning

From the first listen I sent this song to my friend and immediately announced it as the best song of her career and I still maintain that today. In a year of social commentary in music no one would have thought Lana in her lexicon of daddies, red dresses and pale moonlights could chime in without falling on her ass. Yet here she is simply recounting her feelings as she found out about the possible escalation of nuclear war. It's slight and almost sounds freestyled but she effortlessly ties in her little world crashing down with the state of the world, and in doing so breaks the box people put her in by expanding the subjects she could sing about and perfectly introducing the album that would further the expansion of her universe into something different.

I said this in another LFL comment that hasn't been cut yet, but RE: Coachella, I personally prefer her hippie awkward-yet-charming lyrics than her Lana-by-numbers orchestral songs on LFL like the title track and..sorry... 13 Beaches, even though those are nice, too. It's just a departure for her, and I found it more interesting of a song, while it still wasn't realized perfectly.
Cassava (5), again, takes it way too literally: There are a couple moments in this that make me smile and a couple that make me cringe but ultimately I just don’t buy it for a minute that she would trade it all— this is a conceit popstars use that I always find rings false. We all know anyone in the spotlight has traded a lot for it.

Heh. I'll readily admit to not knowing enough Lana to know how self-aware she is, but I also really hate it when dumb lyrics are presented as smart because they're a bit *winkwink*. A lot of easy satire falls into this trap and I felt this was one of them that stuck hollow.

I think she missed a trick because Woodstock was several years after the Cuban missile crisis which seems to be the direct historical comparison she is making and is maybe close enough for people to make the comparison in their minds 50+ years later, but I don't feel like most of the woodstock music had the same urgency of apocalypse as the comparison she is trying to make.

I don't hate it musically; I do think it's nicely built, hence the middling score.

To be fair I didn't really pay much attention to White Mustang because I thought it was boring so I'll admit to not listening hard to that one and also I really do hate car songs because it's either drugs or pussy and literally been done since pop was a glimmer in the eyes of horny jazz musicians. So maybe it was better than I remember but I don't really want to go back and listen.
Just catching up to realize that you all are doing Charli SO DIRTY! Roll With Me deserved SO MUCH BETTER!! There are not enough eye rolls in the world to describe how I feel about it being eliminated so early.

As for Lana's Coachella mess. I'm glad to see it go and I stand by my commentary. Even if she is aware, or trying to be ironic she certainly isn't what I would consider a "woke" artist by any means and has no business comparing anything to Woodstock because the artists of Woodstock actually moved with counter culture, and were political in song and speech. Singing about how current times remind you of older times does nothing but perpetuate the nostalgia train you rode in on.

Some may think I'm taking this too seriously, but Woodstock was a very serious historic milestone that intersected counter culture, politics and music and Lana's song, well...
People having been calling for my 11 to leave since the beginning


You cracked the code, sis


65. Lana Del Rey - Tomorrow Never Came (featuring Sean Ono Lennon)


I love this image so much

Average: 7.25
High: 11 x 3 (@happiestgirl @Oleander @rdp)
10 x 5 (@dylanaber @ufint @Euphoria @Remyky22 @Slice of Life)
Low: 1 x 1 (@Cassava)
My score: 8

10 voters in: 66
20 voters in: 69
30 voters in: 61
40 voters in: 59
50 voters in: 70
60 voters in: 67

As you can see, this track received the highest number of 11s so far, which was unexpected from me - I was gagged it even got one. It's not a track that I've ever seen in people's top 5 favourite Lust For Life so I assumed it would be the first Lana song out first along with Coachella, but I was pleasantly surprised. I mean, it was an odd choice of 11 for that very reason; it only entered the top 60 once throughout voting, only to fall back out again soon after and claw itself back into the mid 60s. That said, a 7.25 average is very respectable for a song like this.

When the album first came out I absolutely adored this and was planning on giving it a 9/10. I found it to be so pretty and came along during a massive Weyes Blood/Mac DeMarco/Quilt momenT I was having back in the summer. What changed my mind slightly was hearing it in Costa Coffee when having a catch-up with my good Judy and it sounded...a bit more twee than I remembered it. Also, I have since taken issue with how Sean sounds permanently bunged-up - get some Vicks on ya chest, man! That said, their voices complement each other perfectly and 'now I'm singing with Seeaaaann' is an album highlight for me.

Regardless of what y'all thought, Lana seems to really love this song and back in April said that it was one of her personal top three favorite tracks from the album in an interview with BBC Radio 1. In an interview with Courtney Love for Dazed magazine, she talked about writing the song and stated:

“When I wrote it I felt like it wasn’t really for me. I kept on thinking about who this song was for or who could do it with me, and then I realized that he would be a good person. I didn’t know if I should ask him because I actually have a line in it where I say, ‘I wish we could go back to your country house and put on the radio and listen to our favourite song by Lennon and Yoko.’ I didn’t want him to think I was asking him because I was namechecking them. Actually, I had listened to his records over the years and I did think it was his vibe, so I played it for him and he liked it. He rewrote his verse and had extensive notes, down to the mix. And that was the last thing I did, decision-wise. I haven’t mixed the record, but the fact that "Love" just came out and Sean kind of finished up the record, it felt very meant-to-be. Because that whole concept of peace and love really is in his veins and in his family”.

In an interview for Flaunt magazine, Lana stated that the track explores John Lennon and Yoko Ono. She talked to Sean Lennon via phone and sent him a very simple version of the song consisting of her vocals, a guitar and an organ. However, she felt that the song belonged to someone else and not to her. Flaunt also asked Sean Lennon about the making of the song and he said: "I’ll never forget when she called me after I sent her what I did and her first words were ‘It’s perfect!’ I almost cried with joy because I honestly don’t think anyone has ever said that to me about anything I’ve ever done. It was a very good feeling". Cute, huh?

Cassava (1) does...a lot: I had to force myself listen to this. I kept psyching myself like ‘you got this Cass, you’re going to finish this’ and then she would sing the ‘singing with Sean’ line and I would tap out of this already awful song every time with only seconds to spare. Okay but 'now I'm singing with Sean' is a genius moment of meta 4th-wall smashing and the gays are still loving it.

Jackarywoo (2) really goes for the jugular: Sean sounds like a cheap Paul McCartney act. And yes, she IS a bitch, B-I-C-T-H.

slaybellz (4.5) decides to throw a little shade at Nicola Roberts to be real cute: The "wa wa wa wa's" are so annoying as is Sean Lennon's voice. The only person whining her is YOU you little hoe.

Kalonite (6) was 'not into Sean's voice on this' ...I mean...same?

Stradiwhovius (6) calls it 'sweet, if a bit unremarkable.'

Bleedingheart80 (6) continues to miss the point of track-by-track rate commentary and keep up the RIVETING continuity of commenting on the album as a whole as she listens to it: I see we're back to the boring songs, eh?

I have no clue what Trouble in Paradise (7) is on about but work! A pretty, throwback tune. Fits well alongside a lot of Laurel Canyon 70’s folk rock.

sfmartin (7) shows fairness and restraint where other users only came to read: Not terrible by any means but definitely my least favourite on the album. The chorus is gentle and lovely. Not the greatest fan of the feature.

mokitsu (7.5) is nice...for once: ‘Really nice and pleasant. Sean sounds great and I love their vocals in this.’

Bangers&Bops (8) won't let poor Sean step out of his dad's shadow...These two show off their musical chops and their deep emotional ties to an era of American music so many think is dead. “I adored you / And I just wanted things to be the same,” they sing to each other amid soft guitar and Beatles-esque production that would bring the most stone-hearted doubters to tears.

...and neither does Michael17 (8.5)! The bridge is very Beatles and very lush. A very pretty song. That guitar twang is heart-melting. God, Sean takes after his father so much. About a minute too long, though.

ufint (10), however, focuses on just the song at hand: That chorus and those delicious harmonies are angelic and nearly perfect. 'Nearly' perfect, and yet it still gets a perfect score.

I don’t know what Slice of Life is on about but it sounds fabulous: SCREAM WHY AM I THROWING SO MUCH 10S AT LANA??? This is gorgeous. I want to slow dance to this wearing my most eleganza pajama.

As I said earlier, this is an odd choice for an 11, but happiestgirl does a great job in justifying why, take it away!

This has my 11 solely for the ‘NOW I’M SINGING WITH SEAAAAAAAN’ part which I just find so breathtaking and heartwarming. The song itself is quite sad and melancholy, but when she gets to that part it just becomes so hopeful. I love the way her voice just lifts like she’s a bird taking flight. Finally we see a Lana who is happy with the way her life has turned out. Also it’s meta and I adore that. Also Sean Lennon’s voice is lovely.

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Staff member
Just catching up to realize that you all are doing Charli SO DIRTY! Roll With Me deserved SO MUCH BETTER!! There are not enough eye rolls in the world to describe how I feel about it being eliminated so early.

As for Lana's Coachella mess. I'm glad to see it go and I stand by my commentary. Even if she is aware, or trying to be ironic she certainly isn't what I would consider a "woke" artist by any means and has no business comparing anything to Woodstock because the artists of Woodstock actually moved with counter culture, and were political in song and speech. Singing about how current times remind you of older times does nothing but perpetuate the nostalgia train you rode in on.

Some may think I'm taking this too seriously, but Woodstock was a very serious historic milestone that intersected counter culture, politics and music and Lana's song, well...

Didn't you have some interesting words to say about women in another rate from last year too
As for Lana's Coachella mess. I'm glad to see it go and I stand by my commentary. Even if she is aware, or trying to be ironic she certainly isn't what I would consider a "woke" artist by any means and has no business comparing anything to Woodstock because the artists of Woodstock actually moved with counter culture, and were political in song and speech. Singing about how current times remind you of older times does nothing but perpetuate the nostalgia train you rode in on.

I don't think Lana is some super political activist singer a la Joan Baez, but I don't know if we can really separate between "woke" and "not woke" artists. Just because Lana never used to make political music doesn't mean the entire area should be off limits to her now...
