COMPLETE - The Indie/Alt Pop/Not-quite-'Mainstream'-but-still-accessible Girls 2017 Rate!!1 I go

A casualty
hangin’ on from
the balcony
Oh, here I go
Makin’ a scene
Oh, here I am
Your pain machine

I am a lot like you (boys)
I am alone like you (girls)
I am a lot like you (boys)
I am alone like you (girls)
I am a lot like you (boys)
I am alone like you (girls)
I am a lot like you (boys)
I am alone like you (girls)


40. St Vincent - Sugarboy


This should've been the cover, ugh

Average: 7.77
High: 10 x 9 (@Trouble in Paradise @Petty Mayonnaise @GimmeWork @Bangers&Bops @Animalia @Jwentz @soratami @Remyky22)
Low: 0 x 1 (@slaybellz)
My score: 10

10 voters in: 48
20 voters in: 38
30 voters in: 42
40 voters in: 47
50 voters in: 42
60 voters in: 41

The Annie cuts keep coming thick and fast after remaining unscathed in the early stages of eliminations, and it's time from one of the most energetic and poppy songs on the album to go. I honestly expected this to sit comfortably in the top 30 at least, but as soon as that hussie @slaybellz handed this that toxic 0, I knew that probably wouldn't happen. Whether or not it would end up in the top 40 was more of a touch-and-go situation than I initially expected, as you can see, it just about sneaked in - which was much deserved!

As one of the most energetic, high-tempo and poppy tracks Annie has ever put her name to, it came as no surprise that this was an initial fan favourite and garnered a lot of praise and excitement when the album first dropped. Over time, as tracks like Young Lover and Slow Disco have risen in the ranks and unraveled, this has not had the same kind of journey - which is why I think this hasn't done as well as the aforementioned tracks. Regardless, this is a fucking racket but I live for it; it combines the show tune-inspired theatricality of Annie's recent output, with an explosive and unashamedly pop sound. This is messy and extra, sure, but this is NOT a 0 in ANY capacity and @slaybellz should be ashamed. Annie weaving some of the melody from Los Ageless into the instrumental is a true moment of giving the gays everything they want and that alone made this a 10 for me. I can imagine this popping the fuck off live.

Annie shared some insights about the song in her interview with Pitchfork:

‘When I’m on stage, I often feel the audience and I are on a level playing field, daring each other to go harder. Sometimes during the show, the feeling with the audience is one of a tug of war: Push me, and I’ll push you back—let’s take this to a level that feels unsafe but exhilarating for both of us. I really have nothing but respect for the audience. I assume that they’re thoughtful and intelligent and empathetic, because everyone that I’ve ever met after a show and talked to and given hugs to has seemed to be all of those things. There are a lot of different ways of showing your respect for that bond. Mine might be a little bit stranger, but I feel like we both know it’s there.’

If you don't like this then you don't appreciate fun and that's the tea.

Cassava (5) doesn't appreciate the frantic arrangement: As much as I love the Los Ageless riff, this song always makes me cringe just then like I’ve accidentally opened two music video tabs on my computer.

Bleedingheart80 (7), once again, accompanies a decent score with cutting commentary: This one sounds a bit of a mess, too much going on.

Like a true Lana stan, happiestgirl (7) is feeling his Casey Becker fantasy: This song makes me feel like I’m being chased. It has such a scary great buildup.

Enjoy (7) tries to come for the good sis Bring Me Your Loves: 'Like this as it is a nice uptempo and the riff from Los Ageless is a nice touch but in the end it is a bit of a mess like Bring Me Your Loves was from the self titled.' This IS better but Bring Me Your Loves still snatches.

It doesn’t surprise me that mokitsu (8) prefers Annie’s the self-titled, but at least he gives this the credit it deserves: ‘This is eclectic and it works, reminds me of her previous record.’

Stradiwhovius (8) confirms my suspicions: I still lose it every time the motif from Los Ageless kicks in. It's not my favourite from the album, but it was probably the best song she performed live.

Fantasy (8) name drops the legendary Donna Summer, only the best for Our Annie! 'This reminds me so much of I Feel Love, which automatically makes it great. It took me a lot a few listens to get my head around this sound but I love it now.'

Kuhleezi (9) attempts another joke: So generous of Lorde to let her feature on the chorus go uncredited.

sfmartin (9) serves up some Snottydink-style narration in their commentary: This is the kind of St Vincent I love; a song that sounds like a manic, hyper, sonic journey through space with so many twists and turns.


Michael17 (9) captures a popular opinion about this track: Love the “Future Lovers”-esque beat. Very frenetic and fun. It’s missing a little something that I can’t quite put my finger on. The lyrics seem uninspired by her standards.

Trouble in Paradise (10) is the second person to reference Miss Summer: This is the song that BLEW MY MIND on my first listen. It feels like “I Feel Love” on speed in the best way possible. Add in the “Los Ageless” rift and I’m golden.

GimmeWork (10) MAKE THAT THREE: Even though the beat is totally lifted from I Feel Love, specifically the Kylie Minogue cover, I don’t care. I still love it!!! I’d love that beat in any song, and the awesome song over of it is just the cherry on top.

In a case of forth times the charm, we close with Bangers&Bops (10): Clark seems to speak directly to her fans with "Sugarboy," a simmering, glitchy melody that finds the praised singer admitting, "I am a lot like you / I am alone like you." The production serves us a modern “I Feel Love” mixed with Madonna’s “Future Lovers” but hopped up on crazy pills. The addition of the chord note from Los Ageless made me loss my wig.

I personally don't really hear Donna Summer in this but I'll let you lot decide...

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Not really Donna Summer, but definitely more like Future Lovers on a bag of speed. And it's fucking glorious. The contrast of the borderline hysterical verses and the deadpan chorus, all combined with the relentless production, it's truly frantic. Was it just wishful thinking expecting this to break into the top 20? Never occurred to me that anyone would give this one less than an 8 or so.
PJ favorite.

You rang?


39. Lorde - Sober II (Melodrama)


Average: 7.802
High: 10 x 10 (@Alouder98 @enjoy @Animalia @CorgiCorgiCorgi @Jwentz @Sprockrooster @gagapourgaga @Remorque @soratami @Stradiwhovius)
Low: 2 x 1 (@happiestgirl)
My score: 7.5 - wtf

10 voters in: 65 (!)
20 voters in: 56
30 voters in: 41
40 voters in: 37
50 voters in: 40
60 voters in: 37

Another Lorde song finally leaves us and I'm pretty relieved because I total vs rate domination by any one artist (no matter how justified) is dull and that's just the tea. I thought that this would be the first Melodrama cut, as it started at a ridiculously low position before it snuck into the 40 at the mid-way point of voting, where it stuck until the very end. Despite my score, this is an 8; I can't believe I didn't give this that extra 0.5 (I must've been in a bad mood that day) - if I had, it would've jumped up to #37! That said, I wouldn't have been mad if this ended up just outside the top 40 because I honestly feel that there have been at least 5 tracks that are undoubtedly better than this fall a lot sooner. This does everything right but at the end of the day, it's an excellent interlude for an excellent album.

Whoever edits the Lorde Wiki site failed to provide any decent content for this track, which is a shame because it’s great. All I got was:

People originally believed the song was titled "Melodrama", but the concert setlist revealed it was actually titled "Sober (Interlude)". But later, on the track list, it was finally confirmed to be titled "Sober II (Melodrama)".


What the Lorde Wiki page fails to communicate is that there is actually a lot to discuss about this song. This is uncharacteristically aggressive for Lorde, she practically spits at us in points:

And the terror
And the horror
When we wonder why we bother
And the terror and the horror
God, I wonder why we bother
All the glamour and the trauma and the fuckin'

Go off, sis!

This is an example of her taking ownership of her age and validates the rush of feelings she has experiences since hitting the spotlight:

"I felt more aware of my age than I ever have making a record. I was in these moments of just being gripped by an emotion and I was like 'I'm feeling this because I'm 20 and everything's fucked-up inside my brain. I'm actually like rewiring to become an adult. All this is insane!'"

This is very much a song of its time; in a year as turbulent and straight-up depressing as 2017 was, how could someone as expressive as Lorde NOT write a song think downright bleak and direct? That said, it’s very hard to not make such a song indulgent and exhausting, but I feel like Ella dodges that. What we end up with is something very sincere and effective, something I credit the outro for.

happiestgirl (2) infers that there’s...f-f-f-f-filler...on Melodrama, calling it ‘very unnecessary’, um I think you’ll find that this and every song on the album is essential, you heathen.

GimmeWork (4) infers that any one of Melodrama's 11 songs is remotely skippable: It’s not awful, but it doesn’t compare to pt. 1, the melodrama lines saves it a little bit but I still don’t need it. Skip.

Of all things to call the production of this track, not ‘anything special’ incorrect but go off mokitsu (4): ‘Could've been kept. The lyrics aren't great and the production isn't anything special either.’ No it couldn’t have, shut up.

Cassava (5) accompanies a bad score with a good point: Fits in well with the album but not something I listen to on its own.

Bleedingheart80 (6) has had it, officially: Not a fan of this one, sorry. Just feel like this was unnecessary. Too far, Ella...TOO FAR.

Michael17 (6.5), in his old age, has forgotten what it's like to be young, poor it! 'Melodramatic in a bad way, overly depressing and very adolescent songwriting, the trap beats sound cheap, usually skip this one.'

Trouble In Paradise (6.5) stepped outside the box and channeled Shangela with their commentary: I enjoy this as an interlude but in the end it’s nothing more than that. Hear that, Liability? You’ll never be glamour.

Fantasy (8) praises the album's concept: I love that this kind of deals with that part of a house party that the first part of the song dreads. That part where everyone has gone home, you’re cleaning up the mess left behind and there’s just this sense of depression and loneliness. I particular love the imagery in the line ‘oh how fast the evening passes, cleaning up the champagne glasses’. We LOVE a well-realised concept!

ufint (8.5) is easily pleased...shocker: Such a dramatic build-up, but then it doesn’t really go anywhere. And I’m okay with that, really. Those lyrics really stand out.

Kalonite (9): I love a good terrible rhyme, and "horror/bother/trauma/drama" is a pretty damn good terrible rhyme. The KS2 English teas are indeed strong here, in the best possible way.

sfmartin (9) seems to agree: She's so incredibly talented. The lyrics are superb. Such a knack for bringing to life vivid imagery and scathing emotions.

Bangers&Bops (9) also uses this track as a vessel to explore Melodrama's concept: This is how interludes should be done. In 3 minutes she manages to skim over all moments of the night she’s been narrating, and creating one of the album’s most surprising tracks. There is something hypnotic and beautiful about it. Also, very appropriate that a song that has the word melodrama in the title starts with dramatic strings – I love strings and fell in love with the song instantly. I also like the homage she pays to the title of the album, sucking us into her world even further.

Stradiwhovius (10) takes some time out of his commentary to praise my write-ups: Every line is a highlight.

NOT Sprockrooster (10) serving...taste? I had to close with this: So cinematically heartwrenching. Amazing build-up to a massive chorus where Lorde is pulling all stops and literally electrifies my skin over and over again. Goosebumps everywhere!

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No I'm not happy with this.


Sober II is one of my favourite tracks on the album. It absolutely earns the name melodrama: A twisting tempest of bubbling anger and bitter resignation. The eerie strings, Lorde's vocal gymnastics, and particularly the sudden, intense drumbeat is deliberately uncomfortable. I can get why it's not done so well because deliberately uncomfortable is still, ultimately, uncomfortable. But it elevates the already intense and conflicting emotions to a fever pitch and it's not often I react so viscerally to a song. Definitely on my 11 shortlist. Alas.

Former member 21294

I don't understand the problem people have with Sober II when it is the song that pushes the narrative forward while being a central focus to the records theme. Add showstopping, evocative lyrics too and it becomes a highlight. It shoud not have been out before Hard Feelings / Loveless, Writer In The Dark or Homemade Dynamite.
Sober II makes me cringe so much. It's so over the top, and I have a feeling when she's thirty she's going to look back and be like "I was so overdramatic as a kid".
