COOCHIE SWELL: The Janet Jackson Discography Rate (RESULTS - #2 & WINNER!)

Favourite Janet album 1986-2001

  • Control

    Votes: 8 7.1%
  • Rhythm Nation 1814

    Votes: 29 25.9%
  • janet.

    Votes: 14 12.5%
  • The Velvet Rope

    Votes: 54 48.2%
  • All For You

    Votes: 7 6.3%

  • Total voters
"What'll I Do" is a below average album track and borders on unlistenable in the single version. Bye Felicia.

'Twenty Foreplay' 6.56

Highest Score: 10 x 1 - @Andy French, @Touchofmyhand
Lowest Score: 1 x 2 - @playboy69, @WhatKindOfKylie?



Ray (5) - There’s something disturbingly delicious about being obliged to record a new song for the best of album and delivering one that has no chorus and is too dirty for radio to play. The single remix chops it and tries its best, but still, it’s a very classy "bye Felicia" final release for A&M.
Sprockrooster (5) - Well, that was long foreplay.
WhatKindOfKylie? (1) - Whereas I feel that the divine Runaway makes a worthy addition to a near decades worth of flawless singles runs, this feels just so so meh and weak in comparison. Have never warmed to it and doubt I ever will.
Pop Gaz (7.5) - I loved this song initially, but it either hasn’t aged well or her subsequent repeating of the template has worn thin. Wine and candles also always put me in a sexy mood too though.
CasperFan (9) - Oh this song just does it for me-on first few listens you struggle to find any tune or hook , but when you get it ,you really get it!
AshleyKerwin (9) - This is honestly beautiful. Between I Want You by Madonna and this, 90's compilation exclusives really stepped their game up.
evilsin (6) - I like how this changes in the middle.
Br0dy (8) - If only the baby-making section of All For You was more like this.
Epic Chocolat (4.5) - The theme reminds me of Joe's Love Scene which I prefer.


'What'll I Do' 6.54

Highest Score: 10 x 2 - @SmashHitter, @WhatKindOfKylie?
Lowest Score: 3 x 4 - @Angeleyes, @mrdonut, @lalaclairi_, @Weslicious



mrdonut (3) - Sorry but this sounds like a song over the opening credits of a Channel 5 afternoon movie.
Ray (4.5) - Not a fan of any incarnation of this.
Sprockrooster (9) - Very Rolling Stones and I therefore am a big fan. Imagine these two legends working together? Shook at the thought alone.
WhatKindOfKylie? (10) - This is seriously funky and I think it is one of her best bops of the 90's. There I said it! Now it's entirely loved though.
tylerc904 (7) - I'm a big fan of this, but had to mark it down considering its competition. The Navarro mix amps it up, but I still find it an odd single choice. I'm so glad it is here though, further proving her versatility.
Pop Gaz (8) - I really like this, it’s something different, a bit big band, a bit funky, a bit old school…. Basically difficult to pin down, but I love it.
CasperFan (8) - Another change of style- a more rock n roll song with a funky edge-James Brown-ish. I like it but not a favourite.
AshleyKerwin (7.5) - I used to love this Pop-RockNet song a lot more when I first discovered this album, although now I realize it's a pastiche of 70's rock. It's still a great cover though.
evilsin (5) - What kind of Shania Twain half-bop?
DrinkMyTears (9) - It somehow works in an album among so many R&B/Pop songs.
weslicious (3) - I'm not averse to this kind of music in general, but this is kind of a miss for me. The Remixed version adds a bit of oomph to it (maybe a 5.5/10) but still, nothing spectacular.
Epic Chocolat (8.5) - A nice homage to the Stones.



Good riddance.

'Twenty Foreplay' 6.56

Highest Score: 10 x 1 - @Andy French, @Touchofmyhand
Lowest Score: 1 x 2 - @playboy69, @WhatKindOfKylie?



Ray (5) - There’s something disturbingly delicious about being obliged to record a new song for the best of album and delivering one that has no chorus and is too dirty for radio to play. The single remix chops it and tries its best, but still, it’s a very classy "bye Felicia" final release for A&M.
Sprockrooster (5) - Well, that was long foreplay.
WhatKindOfKylie? (1) - Whereas I feel that the divine Runaway makes a worthy addition to a near decades worth of flawless singles runs, this feels just so so meh and weak in comparison. Have never warmed to it and doubt I ever will.
Pop Gaz (7.5) - I loved this song initially, but it either hasn’t aged well or her subsequent repeating of the template has worn thin. Wine and candles also always put me in a sexy mood too though.
CasperFan (9) - Oh this song just does it for me-on first few listens you struggle to find any tune or hook , but when you get it ,you really get it!
AshleyKerwin (9) - This is honestly beautiful. Between I Want You by Madonna and this, 90's compilation exclusives really stepped their game up.
evilsin (6) - I like how this changes in the middle.
Br0dy (8) - If only the baby-making section of All For You was more like this.
Epic Chocolat (4.5) - The theme reminds me of Joe's Love Scene which I prefer.


Y'all are dead to me. Whoops Now ain't better than this.

I rated the slow jam edit, the original is an 8.

'What's it Gonna Be?! (With Busta Rhymes)' 6.57

Highest Score: 10 x 4 - @Elysium, @Ray, @Rei Ayanami, @Remorque, @Touchofmyhand
Lowest Score: 0 x 1 - @WhatKindOfKylie?



Ray (10) - Everything about this is perfect.
mrdonut (8) - The production throughout this stylish oddity is exceedingly impressive. It’s just such a shame she teamed up with a complete arsehole
Sprockrooster (1) - Have a point for that video, but that song is horrible. I always had difficulty with Busta's vocal sound, but even Janet doesnot even shine through.
WhatKindOfKylie? (0) - Knows this a big fan favourite, but I just don't find this one appealing at all. Sorry!
Pop Gaz (8.5) - Not my usual bag, but I do love this, Busta’s verses as well as Janet’s chorus. It has that uncomfortable feeling (with disjointed backing track and singing) but it actually works with the song. Extra points for how fierce she is in the video.
CasperFan (8) - The stuttery production of the album version irritates a little but the Soul Society remix (which should’ve been the single mix) is amazing, funky and a complete bop!
AshleyKerwin (6.5) - I put this on my "After Aaliyah" playlist.
evilsin (8) - Wait, what? Make your body cream? Other than that the song is pretty dope, although Busta kinda just there for me, like an unseen/unheard transition from one chorus to another.
weslicious (8) - My highish score is more for the video than the song, but wow, what a video!

