MESS. Until this day I thought she was singing "Gonna make you think I'm not a thing" instead of "naughty things". I thought it was a strange feminist sex bop.
Just catching up following work, both of these I would have thought would have hung around a bit longer as know they are fairly popular. No personal lost though.
mrdonut (6) - Janet and the production certainly do their best but it’s a pretty lifeless song evilsin (6) - This is a tad more streamlined, but I don't mind it at all. mokitsu (8) - Can relate CasperFan (6) - I do love this, but does sound like it could’ve been recorded for her debut album, very basic production and isn’t really up to the standard of the Jam & Lewis tracks. Pop Gaz (6) - This song does let the side down a bit. Shrill vocals again and sounds like a leftover from her previous albums, it is still a catchy little tune though. tylerc904 (7) - I love this little gem. It manages to hold up to the stellar tracks around it, whereas You Can Be Mine is a bit forgettable. WhatKindOfKylie? (2) - The album's only weak link for me. I can listen to it, but hardly a favourite, and not one I ever chose to go back to. A bit too babyish. Sprockrooster (9) - That SAX and adlib! A plush jam. Sets the mood perfectly for the next track 'Let's Wait A While'. Ray (4) - They picked the right singles from this album. weslicious (6) - Nothing too spectacular, but far from awful. Br0dy (5) - It feels out of place on Control. .