'Anything' 6.82
Highest Score: 10 x 1 - @kermit_the_frog
Lowest Score: 2 x 1 - @Markus1981
evilsin (6) - Ooh, sensual.
AshleyKerwin (9) - I love this electronica cut. You can tell Janet really went into the genre. I don't mind its ambiance at all.
CasperFan (8) - Another sexy, atmospheric song- reminds me of Someday Is Tonight. After getting dirty with Rope Burn this is a more slow and sensual love making song.
Pop Gaz (5.5) - This is just so very boring compared with what has come before, sweet, but dull.
WhatKindOfKylie? (3) - One of the most forgettable songs of a near flawless album. It's not terrible, but it just feels like it is slightly inferior compared to the rest of this magical masterpiece.
Sprockrooster (7) - Some of the vocal parts are a bit cringe, but overall this still is plush.
Ray (8.5) - The chords in the chorus bump it from okay to fantastic.
mrdonut (9) - Seductive, sensual and classy
weslicious (6) - A 'meh' moment unfortunately.
I think this song suffers from being tacked at the end of the album, but it's just magical and ethereal. It's a song that you can appreciate better as a standalone. Whoops Now still ain't better than this.