Destiny’s Child

Make sense cause I didn't find out about the Nasty Girl video till i was an adult in my opinion If there had to be a 4th single Fancy or Sexy Daddy would've worked just fine

Nasty Girl wasn't released in the US but was a cute minor hit. Managed top 10 and Gold status in Australia.

I always loved the song as a kid.

Sexy Daddy is a mess. The most random (and arguably worst) song they've recorded after the album outro.

Fancy would have been a great single and I could imagine the video would have ate. Also, with its placement on the album (singles being the first songs), I assume it was considered. Given the lawsuit around Survivor, and its similar lyrics, it could have been seen as another sneek diss though.

Apple Pie A La Mode is sooooo underrated. Could have been a single IMO.
I was worried I wouldn't like this disco ripple as much after all these years, but it really is such a gem:

Easily the best non-single on that album. It is just so weird and joyous on an otherwise boring (singles aside) album. I remember when I first played the song album and hating everything else on the album and then this song came out of nowhere. A gem indeed.
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Fancy, Happy Face and Apple Pie are the only songs that stood out back then other than the singles. I grew to love Brown Eyes and Story of Beauty but wasn't checking for ballads as a kid. I don't remember Nasty Girl ever registering with me at the time, so it not getting a U.S. release makes sense.
"Sexy Daddy" is rather messy, but listening to it again now, it's also giving prototype Xenomania with the way the sections switch from one to another. The verses slap, especially Kelly's, easily my favourite thing about the song.

On the topic of "Survivor", shame this great bop was left off the album:

And this excellent tune was also meant for "Survivor", but Kelly ended up releasing it on the soundtrack:

It's so lovely, would've been one of my faves on that album.
Question: if a reunion tour ever happened, do you think LaToya and LaTavia could possibly get on stage for their singles (say mid-way and Michelle can grab an espresso or practice walking forward, etc), only leaving off Say My Name for a return at the very end for an DC All-Stars rendition of Independent Woman (Part 3 of course). Poor Farrah of course. Tell me how you feel about this..
Nah, maybe for one night only but it’s clear that, despite making peace with them and giving them shoutouts, Destiny’s Child is Beyoncé, Kelly, and Michelle. They wouldn’t disrespect Michelle and have her not be apart of any of the songs just because they were made before she was hired anyways.

Plus I’m sure Farrah would be all up in the papers talking about being excluded and it wouldn’t be a good look for them either.
It’s been 10 years since I got into Destiny’s Child and no one’s convinced me that it’s a good idea to have two members who haven’t performed live in 10+ years (one of whom never even did a solo album cycle) on a stage with the other girls, especially when Beyoncé holds herself back as it is in the few reunions we’ve had so far. Nostalgia for nostalgia sakes won’t make it live up to the perceived hype.
"Sexy Daddy" is rather messy, but listening to it again now, it's also giving prototype Xenomania with the way the sections switch from one to another. The verses slap, especially Kelly's, easily my favourite thing about the song.

On the topic of "Survivor", shame this great bop was left off the album:

And this excellent tune was also meant for "Survivor", but Kelly ended up releasing it on the soundtrack:

It's so lovely, would've been one of my faves on that album.

Angel sounds like a knock off of Survivor. I can see why they left it off the album.
Plus it's only right considering the bulk of the hits are with the original members.
Do you think so? I'd say it's probably around 50/50 (based on who sings them, not who was in the video ddd).

No, No, No Part 2*
With Me Part 1
Get On The Bus
Bills, Bills, Bills*
Bug A Boo*
Say My Name*
Jumpin' Jumpin'*

Independent Women*
Nasty Girl
Lose My Breath*
Cater 2 U
Stand Up For Love

*Actual hits and not just singles
I just realized aside from the singles, I haven't been able to bop to anything else off Survivor. And I still can't....

The only 2 studio albums that I keep using from them are Destiny Fulfilled & The Writing's on the Wall.
Do you think so? I'd say it's probably around 50/50 (based on who sings them, not who was in the video ddd).

No, No, No Part 2*
With Me Part 1
Get On The Bus
Bills, Bills, Bills*
Bug A Boo*
Say My Name*
Jumpin' Jumpin'*

Independent Women*
Nasty Girl
Lose My Breath*
Cater 2 U
Stand Up For Love

*Actual hits and not just singles
“Emotion” was also a hit in both the US and the UK, so that brings them to 11 hits with a 45/54 split meaning DC3 wins the “majority” ddd.

Also, in looking up their cover, I found out that they were just singing over a backing track for a cover that came out three years prior?!?
