Make sense cause I didn't find out about the Nasty Girl video till i was an adult in my opinion If there had to be a 4th single Fancy or Sexy Daddy would've worked just fine
I was worried I wouldn't like this disco ripple as much after all these years, but it really is such a gem:
Falling in love again with this one...
"Sexy Daddy" is rather messy, but listening to it again now, it's also giving prototype Xenomania with the way the sections switch from one to another. The verses slap, especially Kelly's, easily my favourite thing about the song.
On the topic of "Survivor", shame this great bop was left off the album:
And this excellent tune was also meant for "Survivor", but Kelly ended up releasing it on the soundtrack:
It's so lovely, would've been one of my faves on that album.
Do you think so? I'd say it's probably around 50/50 (based on who sings them, not who was in the video ddd).Plus it's only right considering the bulk of the hits are with the original members.
“Emotion” was also a hit in both the US and the UK, so that brings them to 11 hits with a 45/54 split meaning DC3 wins the “majority” ddd.Do you think so? I'd say it's probably around 50/50 (based on who sings them, not who was in the video ddd).
No, No, No Part 2*
With Me Part 1
Get On The Bus
Bills, Bills, Bills*
Bug A Boo*
Say My Name*
Jumpin' Jumpin'*
Independent Women*
Nasty Girl
Lose My Breath*
Cater 2 U
Stand Up For Love
*Actual hits and not just singles
I agree. It aged horribly and was never my favorite album of theirs to begin with aside from the singles. I love their other three albums though pretty equally.The Survivor album is absolute trash.