
Finally caught up with Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Both incredible, although I did laugh at Ben Barnes just giving up on the Spanish accent in between films dd.
I adore Pixar so much and love everything they do (bar the Cars franchise) but Onward just did not stick for me. I’ve tried to watch it a few times but have never made it to the end.
Am I allowed to say the first Cars is a legitimate masterpiece to me lol. Such a comfort movie. I find its slower pace really appealing, and the animation is beautiful. Having said that, I haven't even watched 2 or 3 because they look awful!
I don't know why it took me so long but I finally watched Incredibles 2 and it's just fantastic, it doesn't let up at all through its runtime. I absolutely neeeeeed an Edna & Jack Jack spin-off!
Oof yes, Incredibles 2 is fantastic. I cannot wait for 3.

Edna is an icon.
Okay so the National Treasure series is cute dumb treasure hunting fun, just like the movies. The main characters are all a bit too generic Gen Z for my usual tastes but the history and treasure aspect is keeping me mildly entertained.
Catherine Zeta Jones is serving cunt campery in her blonde wig though.
It's crazy how many times I've seen "even Wish is a better musical" on social media when dunking on Emelia Perez. Wish becoming the go-to example of a bad musical is so sad considering the film was supposed to be a reflection of Disney's 100 years.
Moana 2 officially crossed 1B WW over the weekend and then today it was announced, for the second year in a row, the first Moana is the most streamed movie of the year.

If Moana 2 was any good (like Inside Out 2 level of good) I honestly think it could have done like 1.6 - 1.8 billion off the back of its streaming popularity. It’s a shame it was such a misfire creatively. Sonic and Mufasa also probably ate way too many of its nachos. They all ate into each other a fair bit I think.

It’s interesting Disney Plus had such a good year for movie steaming but such a poor year for shows. At least we had Shogun here in the UK where Hulu isn’t a thing. And at least Agatha was good even if the ratings weren’t great. X-Men did well for an animated show too.
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