Am I allowed to say the first Cars is a legitimate masterpiece to me lol. Such a comfort movie. I find its slower pace really appealing, and the animation is beautiful. Having said that, I haven't even watched 2 or 3 because they look awful!I adore Pixar so much and love everything they do (bar the Cars franchise) but Onward just did not stick for me. I’ve tried to watch it a few times but have never made it to the end.
Oof yes, Incredibles 2 is fantastic. I cannot wait for 3.I don't know why it took me so long but I finally watched Incredibles 2 and it's just fantastic, it doesn't let up at all through its runtime. I absolutely neeeeeed an Edna & Jack Jack spin-off!
Moana 2 officially crossed 1B WW over the weekend and then today it was announced, for the second year in a row, the first Moana is the most streamed movie of the year.
Moana 2 officially crossed 1B WW over the weekend and then today it was announced, for the second year in a row, the first Moana is the most streamed movie of the year.