Do you watch YouTubers?

A friend and I started our own YouTube channel a month ago - we are always discussing and reviewing music whenever we talk anyway so why not film it and also make it a creative hobby?

I feel like a lot of the music review/reaction channels lack in-depth analysis so we wanted to add to the more interesting ones...

Our "DISCO" review has actually done pretty well... let me know what you think and if you have any constructive criticism!

Is there any UK YouTuber that makes videos of Top 10 best/worst hit songs of the year lists, like Todd In The Shadows, Sean Fay Wolfe, Lyzette G. et al, but with the UK charts?
This one is for the gaymer girls. I adore Joseph Andersons deep dives. He is funny, critical without being annoying. He always pays great attention to detalis and has the best voice ever. For example his Witcher 2 review lasts 5 hour but like it so thorough. I also heavily recommend his What Remains of Edith Finch review for the girls who played it. It is pretty chilling.

I mainly watch cooking channels because I have no life or interests besides food and I absolutely love Alison Roman from NY Times Cooking. She relaunched her standalone YouTube this week with a great recipe for meatballs so I highly recommend her.
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Her coming out video is one of the most stunning things I've seen on YouTube in ages.

I've watched this twice now and I just about hold it together until the moment where

Abigail flips ContraPoints' joke about feeling like shit to say "I feel happy"

And then I instantly dissolve into a puddle of tears.

Her statement video specifically regarding trans rights in the UK is a must watch too:

I am stanning Abigail's commitment to theatricality. I half expected a full-on regeneration sequence in her coming out video ddd
Claire Saffitz is the only one, for me at least, who is managing to capture that pre-pandemic Bon Appetit magic (probably helps that she enlisted former BA talent Vinnie):

Even Chris Morocco's newest BA videos just leave me kind of cold (and he used to be a favourite.)
