Doctor Who

Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Speaking of a Black Doctor, I'd have liked the guy who's just left EE...Lucas...he's a great actor who's been in a range of things previously, like 55 Degrees North and Hotel Babylon.

Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

sifr said:
I don't care who's playing it next - Steven Moffat will be writing it, and hence it will be amazing! (Not to take anything away from Russell T Davies, without whom, etc etc, but come on, The Moff!)

I absolutely adored Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead.

Quiet Girl Riot Girl

Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Jackie Tyler-Wilde said:
Imagine if it's Christopher Eccleston again. They do like to do the unexpected. That'd make us drop our tea.

It'd make me drop the contents of my bowels. I loved 9 but then I realised that he was a bit pervy and that 10 was MUCH better looking. So now I don't like 9. At all.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Kirkland said:
sifr said:
I don't care who's playing it next - Steven Moffat will be writing it, and hence it will be amazing! (Not to take anything away from Russell T Davies, without whom, etc etc, but come on, The Moff!)

I absolutely adored Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead.

Oh yes, best story of the series, as ever, really, though I thought series 4 was generally excellent anyway. The odd dodgy line or bit here and there, but in general...Have you read The Writer's Tale? (RTD's email correspondence over the year of writing series 4) I got it for xmas and finished it that day - fascinating, and I'm very like him as a writer, though obviously no-one is paying me anything to do much as yet.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Eric Generic said:
Speaking of a Black Doctor, I'd have liked the guy who's just left EE...Lucas...he's a great actor who's been in a range of things previously, like 55 Degrees North and Hotel Babylon.


Aye, he's a good actor - he was already in Doctor Who though as Donna's fiance so it'd be kinda weird him coming back as the Doctor

From what i've heard, Eccleston has kinda completely cut himself off completely from Doctor Who - like he doesn't and won't do anything related to it

I wish they'd bring back more old companions though
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Feltano said:
Aye, he's a good actor - he was already in Doctor Who though as Donna's fiance so it'd be kinda weird him coming back as the Doctor

Oh, was he?? I'm still on the first Tennant season via DVD. I didn't know that!

Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Weezerfan said:
I thought Dr Who on Xmas Day 2008 was slightly pants.

But i'm only a very, very casual viewer so maybe I shouldnt judge..

I've watched all of the 'new' Doctor Who's and thought the exact same.
I was asleep ten minutes in.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

The Christmas episode was a bit boring.
I think the best festive episodes are Runaway Bride and The Christmas Invasion.

I don't want Donna's imaginary husband or the guy who played Weakest Link with Rose to be the new Doctor, as they've already been in recent Who.
Freema Agyeman (and Colin Baker, back in the day) were in it beforehand, as was Torchwood's Eve Myles - but it's getting silly now.

A black Doctor would just be seen as stunt casting, as sad as that is, so I just hope we get a competent, versatile actor that is prepared to stay in the role for five years or so.

Kirkland said:
Ah. Have you got the Role Playing book Time Lord? I never played that stuff but as an avid collector I bought it. You could create your own companions and adventures. On the back page was a custom made companion called 'Alison' who was a pop rap star who wandered into the TARDIS thinking it was a prop for her latest video.

I'll scan it for you to see. The picture IS Betty Boo. Very lovely surprise for a teenage me. She's even wearing a Betty Boo space costume.

That sounds amazing. And yes please!
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Tribal Spaceman said:
Kirkland said:
Ah. Have you got the Role Playing book Time Lord? I never played that stuff but as an avid collector I bought it. You could create your own companions and adventures. On the back page was a custom made companion called 'Alison' who was a pop rap star who wandered into the TARDIS thinking it was a prop for her latest video.

I'll scan it for you to see. The picture IS Betty Boo. Very lovely surprise for a teenage me. She's even wearing a Betty Boo space costume.

That sounds amazing. And yes please!

I'll hunt it out for you later.

Not long now. It's between Paterson and Matt. I think. Unless it's a trick and it's actually someone totally different.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

It's a bigger gamble this time.

When Eccleston left, it didn't really matter so much as the programme was essentially The Rose Tyler Show at that point.

(And I'm not denying that he made a great Doctor.)
Betty Boo Is The Doctor's Companion!

Here you go Tribal. I went and got my copy of Time Lord and browsed through it. Now take a look and tell me that The Doctor's (sample) companion in this 90s role playing book is not Betty Boo aka Alison Clarkson:


Alison aka Betty's Bio


I notice she has Independent Spirit. Which must be valuable playing this game. It's hilarious how the writer had Betty Boo on his mind when he created 'Alison'. And yes, Betty Boo composed lots of Boomania at home in her bedroom.

I'll put up another sample soon.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

What a horrible, diseased-looking man he is.

Kirkland - thank you, those are brilliant!!!
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

I hate his hair, and the way he speaks and moves makes him look like he has some sort of illness.

This might all vanish when he acts, though.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Ah, yes, Matt Smith. I've only seen him in The Shadow in the North (I shockingly have yet to see Ruby in the Smoke) but I remember liking his performance in that.

I'm rather excited for this new series now - plus it means I have an image to write my spec Doctor Who script too now.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

I think Matt Smith is going to be brilliant. He seemed a bit strange and bewildered but taking on the biggest role in British Television would do that to me if I could act.

The new Doctor is a Goth! He's just the right contrast we need from fan friendly David. Mark my words he will be something.

I am giddy with excitement. A new Doctor!
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

This quote from sums up my views on the guy so far.

MrShears said:
I am trying to reserve judgement (and we have a whole year to stew over this one), but initial impression is strongly in the area of "oh, the Moff's idea of the perfect Doctor is a 26 year old unknown (yeah, RTD, Un.Known!) who looks like Frankenstein and talks like he lives on cocaine and espresso...Joy"

As long as his version of the Doctor is nothing like how he came across in that interview, we'll be ok.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

And with one quote, Tribal reminds me why I don't go onto any other forums...
