Doctor Who

Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Tribal Spaceman said:
This quote from sums up my views on the guy so far.

MrShears said:
I am trying to reserve judgement (and we have a whole year to stew over this one), but initial impression is strongly in the area of "oh, the Moff's idea of the perfect Doctor is a 26 year old unknown (yeah, RTD, Un.Known!) who looks like Frankenstein and talks like he lives on cocaine and espresso...Joy"

As long as his version of the Doctor is nothing like how he came across in that interview, we'll be ok.

We'll have to see. It's a bit much to take right now isn't it? Poor sod that he is. I doubt he knows what he's in for. I remember when Catherine was announced as the new companion there was such a horrible uproar and now she's considered by many as one of the best companions in the whole series. The only time I've been disappointed was when I endured Martha Jones who I felt was simply dreadful. One of the worst actresses in the series so far. I do trust the production team though. I want to see what Moffat seen during that audition.

I bet it's not what we expect.

Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Ooh!! I'm very excited now. He's obviously a good actor, isn't traditionally handsome and a bit eccentric - surely that's a recipe for a good doctor? Is it really sad that I only had to see Rose fall in to the void to make me start blubbing at the memory of the Doctor/Rose scene on the beach in Series 2 Episode 13? One of the most heartbreaking pieces of television I've ever watched.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Worra Swizz said:
Ooh!! I'm very excited now. He's obviously a good actor, isn't traditionally handsome and a bit eccentric - surely that's a recipe for a good doctor? Is it really sad that I only had to see Rose fall in to the void to make me start blubbing at the memory of the Doctor/Rose scene on the beach in Series 2 Episode 13? One of the most heartbreaking pieces of television I've ever watched.

I was utterly devastated when Rose left. However we got Donna slapping The Doctor an episode later so it was all good.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

I wish I hadn't seen that interview.
I'm making judgements based on it, which is wrong of me.
All I knew about Tennant pre-Who was a 30 second trailer for Casanova., and this was after someone had pointed out that was what he was from.

Now we have 12 months of speculation, which can be quite harmful.

He still needs a makeover, though.

sifr said:
And with one quote, Tribal reminds me why I don't go onto any other forums...

Well to be fair the last time I went there I got picked on for liking Martha Jones, so yeah...
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Tribal Spaceman said:
Well to be fair the last time I went there I got picked on for liking Martha Jones, so yeah...

Poor Martha. I can't stand her though. The first companion I actively disliked! I didn't even mind Mel Bush.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

I've liked her since Crossroads, but I do think she had some bad acting moments.
Isn't Torchwood back soon? With her and Mickey?

Wonder what this new guy will wear anyway...
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Tribal Spaceman said:
I wish I hadn't seen that interview.
I'm making judgements based on it, which is wrong of me.
All I knew about Tennant pre-Who was a 30 second trailer for Casanova., and this was after someone had pointed out that was what he was from.

Now we have 12 months of speculation, which can be quite harmful.

He still needs a makeover, though.

sifr said:
And with one quote, Tribal reminds me why I don't go onto any other forums...

Well to be fair the last time I went there I got picked on for liking Martha Jones, so yeah...
From the same two borderline aspergers sufferers I presume. You almost know they've already decided whether this new actor is good or not and will now spend the rest of their lives their trying to 'prove' this.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

passionoia said:
Tribal Spaceman said:
I wish I hadn't seen that interview.
I'm making judgements based on it, which is wrong of me.
All I knew about Tennant pre-Who was a 30 second trailer for Casanova., and this was after someone had pointed out that was what he was from.

Now we have 12 months of speculation, which can be quite harmful.

He still needs a makeover, though.

sifr said:
And with one quote, Tribal reminds me why I don't go onto any other forums...

Well to be fair the last time I went there I got picked on for liking Martha Jones, so yeah...
From the same two borderline aspergers sufferers I presume. You almost know they've already decided whether this new actor is good or not and will now spend the rest of their lives their trying to 'prove' this.

The hatred is awful. Give the guy a chance for goodness sakes. My avatar is now Matt in honour of his new appointment.

He's got a sort of...Troughton thing going on.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

passionoia said:
Tribal Spaceman said:
I wish I hadn't seen that interview.
I'm making judgements based on it, which is wrong of me.
All I knew about Tennant pre-Who was a 30 second trailer for Casanova., and this was after someone had pointed out that was what he was from.

Now we have 12 months of speculation, which can be quite harmful.

He still needs a makeover, though.

sifr said:
And with one quote, Tribal reminds me why I don't go onto any other forums...

Well to be fair the last time I went there I got picked on for liking Martha Jones, so yeah...
From the same two borderline aspergers sufferers I presume. You almost know they've already decided whether this new actor is good or not and will now spend the rest of their lives their trying to 'prove' this.
Though saying that there are some great people there if you learn to ignore the half-wits (hard I know as they subscribe to the ideal that if you repeat something enough it becomes fact). I have barely ever posted there and generally just use it just to check up on any news but actually I've met a few nice people (one or two who are or have been involved in the show in some respect) and have picked up a few nice little treats in my time.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

passionoia said:
passionoia said:
Tribal Spaceman said:
I wish I hadn't seen that interview.
I'm making judgements based on it, which is wrong of me.
All I knew about Tennant pre-Who was a 30 second trailer for Casanova., and this was after someone had pointed out that was what he was from.

Now we have 12 months of speculation, which can be quite harmful.

He still needs a makeover, though.

sifr said:
And with one quote, Tribal reminds me why I don't go onto any other forums...

Well to be fair the last time I went there I got picked on for liking Martha Jones, so yeah...
From the same two borderline aspergers sufferers I presume. You almost know they've already decided whether this new actor is good or not and will now spend the rest of their lives their trying to 'prove' this.
Though saying that there are some great people there if you learn to ignore the half-wits (hard I know as they subscribe to the ideal that if you repeat something enough it becomes fact). I have barely ever posted there and generally just use it just to check up on any news

What site is this? SFX? I avoid those sites and forums. As a huge Who fan I just can't bear to go on the official sites even though I joined them. I can't imagine anything worse than going on SFX/GallifreyOne/DigitalSpy. I'd be banned in a week for fighting.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

It's good fun in small doses, but if you dare to have an opinion then it gets a bit nasty.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Tribal Spaceman said:
It's good fun in small doses, but if you dare to have an opinion then it gets a bit nasty.

I'm too opinionated I suppose. I was a Digital Spy user for ages until I deleted my account. The thick as shit people on there upset me.

Quiet Girl Riot Girl

Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

I don't like him......... *pouts*

I don't like his chin.

I probably will, though, if they sort out his hair.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Is this a more flattering pic for hair, Quiet Girl?


Deleted member 2720

Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Kirkland said:
I think Matt Smith is going to be brilliant. He seemed a bit strange and bewildered but taking on the biggest role in British Television would do that to me if I could act.

The new Doctor is a Goth! He's just the right contrast we need from fan friendly David. Mark my words he will be something.

I am giddy with excitement. A new Doctor!

I am very excited at the prospect of Matt Smith as the new doctor He is unusual looking but also has sex appeal and from what I have seen of him he is a very good actor.

I have been a huge Dr who fan since the days of John Pertwee and until the series came back Tom Baker was always my favourite Doctor.
I have to say David Tennant has become my favourite.... Perhaps being a bit attractive has helped me make that decision! ( So Shallow).

Good luck to Matt Smith he would have been my choice and I love his vampire( ish) good looks.

Against my better judgement Donna Noble has become one of my favourite companions along with SJ Smith and the Romana number one.
Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Pye said:
Against my better judgement Donna Noble has become one of my favourite companions along with SJ Smith and the Romana number one.

I think Donna is the favourite of most fans I've spoken to at 'the conventions'. I also really like Romana number one as well.

Quiet Girl Riot Girl

Re: The New Doctor Who Will Be Named Tomorrow!

Kirkland said:
Is this a more flattering pic for hair, Quiet Girl?




